Items That’ll Help You Sleep Better During a Business Trip

sleep better on business tripSome people sleep like babies no matter where they are, while others of us have a hard time slumbering in a strange place.

If you fall into the second category, it can make going on business trips a bit difficult. Since you need to be on your top game traveling for work, tossing and turning all night is extra stressful.

Choosing the best lodging destination is a must for light sleepers. Heavy traffic, uninsulated walls, and other distractions result in serious declines in productivity.

Travel managers can use Hotel Engine to optimize lodging choices for their travelers and avoid hotels with a lot of noise complaints.

In addition to choosing your lodging wisely, there are many simple hacks that can help you, as long as you remember to pack them in your suitcase. From sleep aids to travel tools, use these four items to get better rest while you’re on a business trip.

1. Noise-Canceling Headphones

Noise-canceling headphones are the earplugs of today. They eliminate the problems of old-school earplugs. You don’t have to worry about them falling out when you’re sleeping or the fact that they really don’t cancel out much of the noise around you.

The right headphones are comfortable, secure, and designed to block out background distractions.

You Have Tech-Style Options

Before you discard this solution, get rid of the vision you have of bulky headphones that go over your ears and the top of your head. Those are fine for office work, but they’re not comfortable enough to sleep with.

Instead, check out the 21st-century versions: earbuds and headbands.

Lightweight earbuds work similarly to earplugs. They sit inside the ear canal and use noise reduction technology to get rid of ambient sound.

The headbands are perfect for restless sleepers who toss and turn. They look like jogging bands, but the ear cover goes snugly over the ears through the fabric. Because it’s made with elastic and soft material, it’s comfortable enough to sleep in, but secure enough to stay in place.

2. Sleep Masks

Why do you need a mask if your eyes are already closed?

Well, the science behind it shows it works, so investing in a sleep mask could be worth your while.

Sleep masks block out artificial light that you might not consciously notice, but your brain does. This messes with your internal sleep patterns, telling your body it’s time to wake up when it’s not.

You might not notice the light when you’re in your deep REM sleep. As you flit in and out of the stages, though, your brain notices the little things, like your electronics, outside lamps, and nightlights. Even a very dull light can signal your body to wake up.

3. Relaxation Apps

Do you have trouble shutting your mind off when it’s time to sleep?

Counting sheep, counting backward from ten thousand, and other methods trick your brain into focusing on these mundane tasks. But some minds aren’t as easy to trick, especially when you’re thinking about a big meeting on your agenda or other important things.

A relaxation app can help soothe your mind, distracting it with stories and calming voices or sounds. They reduce anxiety and stress, lowing your body’s cortisol levels and letting your natural sleep patterns take over.

4. Natural Supplements

The last thing you want to do on a business trip is take a hardcore sleeping pill. Sure, it helps you sleep, but it makes you feel groggy the next day when you need to be in peak performance.

Rather than using prescription meds, these natural methods work to prepare your mind and body for sleep and improve the quality of slumber you get:

♦ Melatonin is a sleep hormone produced by your body naturally. Taking a melatonin supplement jumpstarts the natural level and makes you sleepy.

♦ Magnesium, a mineral we eat in many of our foods, is also found in supplement form. Taking it before bed helps to relax your muscles and bring on sleep faster.

♦ Lavender is beneficial in multiple forms. Take a soothing bath with lavender oil to prepare your mind and body for rest. Then, use a gentle lavender aromatherapy fragrance in the background of your hotel room or spritz it on your pillowcase to keep the restful sensation all night.

Using these natural solutions as a sleep aid gives you double the benefits. You’ll sleep better and wake up feeling alert and well-rested.


When you need to be at your best mentally, but you’re staying in an unknown place, it’s vital that you plan ahead how you’re going to get a full night of sleep.

On top of choosing a hotel that isn’t known for its noisy distractions, these four items are essential tools to keep on your business trip packing list.

Shift Frequency © 2022 – Items That’ll Help You
Sleep Better During a Business Trip

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