Marijuana Enlightenment

MedicalMarijuanaShopI didn’t trust the process when it first appeared, so I opted out and have been avoiding it ever since.  Even when those around me, including my best friend embraced it; I kept my distance.  For over five years I’ve refused to climb on the bandwagon; but recently the universal law of three caught up to me, and I finally went to get my medical marijuana card.  Within less than two weeks, three different sources encouraged me to get the card, including my new primary care physician at the VA.  Yup, the universe was speaking to me in no uncertain terms; time to change.

It isn’t that I thought the whole idea was wrong or anything, just the opposite; I’ve been a supporter of legalized marijuana for years, but I don’t feel like the government has any right to register me as a cannabis user, (considering how well that went for native Americans!)  If I sound like a dinosaur it’s because I’ve been smoking the weed for almost fifty years, and for the majority of that time doing so illegally.  Not only did many of America’s founding fathers grow hemp, for a time it citizens were required to grow hemp.  You see, over the years the U.S. government has had a love/hate relationship with hemp; they want to tie up the ships without turning on the troops.

Cannabis has long been hailed as a medicinal healing herb, in fact the Sears catalog of 1853 carried several cannabis based medicines you could order.  In 1937 the Marijuana Tax Act essentially made using the weed legal, if you had the right paperwork.  This continued till 1969 when it was thrown out because it violated the fifth amendment.  During WWII; American farmers received draft deferments for themselves and their sons; if  they grew hemp.   Henry Ford once designed and made a car out of hemp.  It was 30% lighter and 10 times as strong as steel.  It was never produced because of pressure from the competition, who couldn’t compete with it.  For very similar reasoning, the AMA has led the charge against legalizing marijuana, despite evidence that hemp cures cancer.  The pharmaceutical industry isn’t interested in a cure for cancer because their profits come from selling treatment, not cures. Continue reading