The Deep State, Wikileaks And Seth Rich [Video]

Alexandra Bruce – War has always been about theft of kind or another. Traditionally, it’s meant conquering and usurping territory and resources. In modern times, it has also come to mean the business of war; where military contractors and government entities take enormous allocations from annual defense budgets. The targets today are not just the traditional state enemies but also include the Taxpayer, the object of total surveillance and media mind control, who must not rock the boat over being divested of hundreds of billions of dollars every year.

As everybody knows, the US spends more than China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, India, France, the UK, Japan and Germany combined, with an annual budget of $611 billion versus the others’ combined total of $595 billion in 2016. This does not include the US’ Black Budget, which according to the Snowden leaks totaled $52 billion in 2012. Continue reading

Almost 300 Americans killed by FDA-approved prescription medications daily

fluMike Adams – On the same day that 17 students and staff were killed in a Florida high school shooting, nearly 300 Americans were killed by FDA-approved prescription medications. Yet no one cried a single tear, and the (pharma-funded) news didn’t even mention the tragedy.

When children are killed by guns, the news is emotionally multiplied with pseudojournalism “theatrics” to push for gun control while ignoring the far more devastating causes of preventable death in America. You see, while the Florida school shooting happened just once, the deaths of hundreds of Americans from FDA-approved prescription medications goes on every single day, without pause.

That’s why, according to scientific research, at least 106,000 Americans are killed each year by legal medications which are prescribed by licensed doctors. (Source: “Death By Medicine” analysis.)

Chemotherapy kills an estimated 2,700 people every day across the globe

The website counts the number of people killed by toxic medicine every day, both in America and around the world. According to the site, chemotherapy alone kills an estimated 2.700 people every day around the world. (See the Chemo Kills website for more details.) Continue reading

The Disturbing, Destabilizing Abnormal Is Now Normal

mediaCharles Hugh Smith – Forgive me for wondering if the populace of America hasn’t fallen for a Jedi mind trick:

Disturbing, destabilizing abnormalities are now accepted as normal life in America:

1. Sprawling tent camps of homeless sprout like flowers of poverty in U.S. cities, leaving mountains of trash that speak volumes about systemic failure, destitution and overwhelmed city services.

2. The Federal Reserve’s vaunted “Wealth Effect” that was supposed to be a tide that raised all boats at least a bit has concentrated wealth and power in the top 5%, 1%, and 1/10th of 1%, leaving the bottom 95% with diminished prospects and a thinning stake in The American Project. Continue reading

Biggest Story of Year is Media Dishonesty and Hatred of American Public

Joe Hoft – The mainstream media is officially dead, over, finished. Not one MSM outlet is reporting on the coup d’état that the deep state, Mueller and the Democrats are hoping takes place.  Not one reports on the massive corruption and criminal acts taking place at the FBI, DOJ and other government agencies.

The MSM doesn’t just report bogus news, it has become the biggest player in the destruction of America!

Recently Lou Dobbs and former UN Ambassador John Bolton discussed the latest developments in the Mueller witch hunt and Barack Obama’s latest tour across Asia to attack sitting President Trump.

Ambassador Bolton: They are trying to prove the administration is illegitimate. Continue reading

The Real Goal Of The Mainstream Media Is To Suppress And Destroy Human Knowledge [Video]

mediaMike Adams –  The real goal of the corporate-run media is to suppress human knowledge and prevent a mass awakening of humanity.

The corporate-run media is not about informing, uplifting or educating humanity. It’s not about connecting you with important world events or bringing you insightful analysis on finance, medicine, technology, politics, science or the environment.

Instead, the corporate-run media is all about distracting you from the things that matter while indoctrinating you with falsehoods that have no basis in factual reality. The sinister agenda behind all this is to keep humanity dumbed down, scientifically illiterate, and cognitively redirected away from anything that might lead to greater awakening or freedom to think.

The mainstream media, in other words, is the soma drug of the modern era, designed to numb your brain, retract your senses, assault your curiosity and ridicule your awakening. The programming by the media is intended to mandate your obedience, conformity and intellectual homogeneity.

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