Through A Glass Darkly….

Through A Glass Darkly….Lorna Bevan -This month, with so many Copernican and deep space Planets retrograde at the same time, keep in mind the ancient dictum: “As Above, so Below” and deliberately mirror the inner/slower pace. No matter what is happening in the outer world, September is a month for simplifying, for renewal, for refreshing your journey by closing the doors on old choices and habits, for tending the well.

Meanwhile, this week, much is working itself out behind the veils in karmic twists and turns. Mercury turns retrograde on September 10th at 8° Libra, turning direct on October 2nd at 24° Virgo. This is the 3rd Mercury Retrograde of 2022 and all three have been in the Air signs – Aquarius/Gemini/Libra. Hubris and falls from grace are likely for those less than impeccable with the truth. Continue reading

A Slow Deep Outbreath

A SLOW DEEP OUTBREATHLorna Bevan – After the relentless turbulence of the first 5 months of 2022, welcome a month without a huge celestial storm. In June, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Neptune are all at home in their own signs where their energy flows relatively unimpeded. Slowing down the tempo, Saturn turns retrograde on June 4th followed by Neptune on June 28th.

That said, Jupiter and Mars in Aries feels like having your foot on the accelerator while Saturn retrograde stamps on the brakes. Tempting as it may be to rush full steam ahead, so much is still to be brought into the light from the Taurus/Scorpio eclipses combined with the recent Mercury retrograde which only ended two days ago on June 3rd. There’s a lot of unfinished business to sift and sort. As Carl Jung wisely said: “What is not brought to consciousness, comes to us as fate.” Continue reading

Money, Money, Money….

moneyLorna Bevan – A heads up! All this week we are in the volatile seismic field between two eclipses on the Taurus/Scorpio axis- April 30 and May 16th – as Mercury slows to turn retrograde in Gemini on May 10th, traveling back through Taurus until June 3rd.

With Uranus, Sun and Mercury Rx in the eclipsmoney sign of Taurus, anything to do with global and national economies, the value of gold, the property markets as well as your personal security will be fluctuating wildly. This whole period extends into June 2022 with Venus in Taurus.

Ceres enters Cancer which rules the property market on May 16th 2022, exactly on the day of that eclipse in the finance signs. Buyer beware….. this is a cover-up or blind spot for all of us, because an eclipse always conceals; it never reveals. Nothing is as it seems so this is definitely not the time to splurge, splash the cash or make a big purchase. Continue reading

9 – 16 January 2022 Week Ahead Forecasts

mercury retrogradeLorna Bevan – In 2022, there will be 4 Mercury retrograde periods, rather than the usual three. The first begins this week as Mercury slows to station on Friday January 14th, turning retrograde at 10 Aquarius until February 3rd. This means that both Venus and the Messenger of the Gods will be re-tracing old ground for the rest of the month.

Last Saturday 8th, retrograde Venus was literally blacked out, occulted by the Sun, morphing into the Morning Star aka Lucifer, the light bearer. At this Capricornian Venus Star Point, something may have to die in o rder to be reborn. It is all about seeing what really matters when all your usual props and distractions have been taken away and working with the energies to permanently clear away the dross, the superficial and the unnecessary. Continue reading

Mercury Retrograde In Libra: Relationship Changes

mercury retrogradeCarmen Di Luccio – Mercury begins another retrograde process on September 27th which will last until October 18th/19th. This is when it appears to be moving backwards from our Earth based vantage point due to the positioning of the Earth and Mercury in each of their orbits around the Sun. This one is occurring completely in Libra.

In the weeks (and especially days) leading up to it, it can already start to feel like a retrograde and some of its themes can get seeded. This happens because Mercury slows down (again from our vantage point) and travels in the part of the sky it will be returning to after the retrograde begins. This is known as the ‘pre-shadow’ period which began on September 6th/7th. Continue reading