Cook With the Sun: How to Create A Reflective Cooker

Best Stainless Steel Cookware Sets 2017

Before you buy your set and end up disappointed, let’s clear something up. Twelve piece set doesn’t mean twelve pots and pans with their lids. It means, for example, eight pots and pans and four lids. So, the number of pieces is the sum of lids, pans, and pots.


When end of the current lifestyle you’re living as you know it (as opposed to the end of the world as we know it) comes, you’re going to want to know how to cook food by more readily-available means. A drastic lifestyle change, temporary or otherwise, caused by something as unfortunate as an unexpected natural disaster striking your area (like an earthquake, flood, or string of tornadoes) or as simple as a planned outdoor trip for the upcoming weekend, leads to a serious change in available resources.

While, naturally, fire would be the first option most would turn to, there are ways to get a tasty, home-cooked meal without the smoke. In this situation, the sun is your best friend. There are a quite a few ways to cook with the sun, but they all revolve around the same principles:  reflecting, concentrating and directing the sun’s UV rays at the food you want to cook.

We will look at how to assemble our own effective means of doing this through a homemade reflective cooker, which both serves its purpose well and is affordable. A trip to the store may not even be necessary; many of the materials needed to construct one of these from scratch can be found in your home. Before beginning to put a cooker together, gather those materials! Make sure you have all the parts needed to completely build one. You really don’t want to find yourself out in the sun with nothing but a tin foil box:   Continue reading