August 2018 Energy Report

energyJennifer Hoffman – August is here and we get a small break from the roller coaster energy of July. August’s themes are action, alignment, and awareness – you could call this your A-list as you use this month’s energy to explore new potentials that have opened up with July’s eclipses.

The choices we made in July come to fruition in August. There is still heavy energy activity and one more eclipse in the cycle but overall, it’s a great month to consider implementing any changes you have been considering and taking your first steps towards them. We are creating new 5D timelines that are acting as 3D disruptors and separating from 3D density, it’s all part of the ongoing opportunity to choose our energy path.

The first aspect of August is the name, which is derived from the Roman word ‘augustus’ which means sacred, magnificent, and noble. Roman emperors’ names included ‘Augustus’ as a mark of honor and to describe their power and omnipotence. It’s also the month of Leo, the lion, king of the jungle and ruled by the sun, our bright star whose light is essential to life on the planet. Consider all of this to understand why this is such a pivotal month in a mastery year. Continue reading