Phoenix Khazar, And The Hijacking Of Talmudic Judaism

Rand Clifford – Virtually every religion ever concocted has gone extinct, saving us from “gods” swarming like flies and making it impossible even to breathe without sinning. But don’t hold your breath, corporations as gods will surely charge nominal, equitable fees, to breathe.Sinning…ticket to fate worse than not being one of “ God’s Chosen People” (GCP)—or are there still enough humans able to see through blind faith, and shield from Earth from hell?


Author Benjamin Freedman said, regarding extinction of Talmudic Judaism:

“ ‘ Talmudism’, the civil and religious code of the Pharisees, most likely would have passed out of existence like the many other creeds and cults practiced by the peoples in that area before, during and after ‘Pharisaism’ assumed its prominent position among these creeds and cults in the time of Jesus. ‘Talmudism’, as ‘Pharisaism’ was called later, would have disappeared with all its contemporary creeds and cults but for the conversion of the Khazars to ‘Talmudism’ in the 7th century. At that time ‘Talmudism’ was well on its way towards complete oblivion.”

Talmudic Judaism, ready to dip a toe in ashes of extinction—a king of Khazaria named Bulan summoned the mythical Bennu bird…and The Khazarian Phoenix juiced Talmudic Judaism with 10.3 million new, “Jews”! [1]

1,250 years later, Phoenix Khazar sears more humans than ever. Satanic effects of that light stolen from heaven burn humanity from toenails to synapses. Continue reading