The New Year and Why Peaceful Activism Has Never Been So Needed

“Consider yourself in the analogy as someone casting a pebble out onto a large and still pond. That pebble when it makes contact with the pond will cause water ripples of ’cause and effect’ that will continue pushing out far and wide…” – P A Philips

Photo/caption by Rene Gade
Photo/caption by Rene Gade

As the New Year begins there has never been a time when peaceful activism has been needed more. Slowly but surely, the walls surrounding continue to draw in, further restricting our freedom as a race. However, as more and more people are indeed waking up to the realization that they’ve been greatly deceived, this brings with it conscious (or unconscious) intentions to create a world totally different to the dark agenda planned by the hidden powers that be.

So what exactly does “peaceful activism” mean? We know that laws have been made and will continue to be introduced further restricting our freedom of expression in terms of the right to protest and demonstrate against injustice. However, peaceful activism by definition will not allow us to be hampered by this.

Peaceful activism means

1. Spreading the word on how our freedom is greatly restricted. Continue reading