May 2023 Monthly Forecast

The theme for May is: “TENSION”.

May 2023 Monthly ForecastLena Stevens – Tension this month is the condition of pressure or a relentless force causing anxiety, strain, crisis, release, and change. We are stretched tight, some of us more than others, as we attempt to hold on to the past and control the future. The emotional center of the year is highlighted as we clear out old stagnation and get things flowing in a more positive direction. Fear of change and fear of the unknown is what keeps us grasping tightly to our defenses, old habits and outdated beliefs.

It is hard to relax in a state of tension. Sleep cycles can be disturbed and we may be hypervigilant about what may or may not be just around the corner. Anxiety unconnected to any real situation may be a constant companion to some that are prone to it.

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