May 2023 Monthly Forecast

The theme for May is: “TENSION”.

May 2023 Monthly ForecastLena Stevens – Tension this month is the condition of pressure or a relentless force causing anxiety, strain, crisis, release, and change. We are stretched tight, some of us more than others, as we attempt to hold on to the past and control the future. The emotional center of the year is highlighted as we clear out old stagnation and get things flowing in a more positive direction. Fear of change and fear of the unknown is what keeps us grasping tightly to our defenses, old habits and outdated beliefs.

It is hard to relax in a state of tension. Sleep cycles can be disturbed and we may be hypervigilant about what may or may not be just around the corner. Anxiety unconnected to any real situation may be a constant companion to some that are prone to it.

There is physical tension in the body, pointing to necessary adjustments in self-care; emotional tension, often erupting in drama as old repressed feelings find their way up and out; and mental tension, especially related to the need to know and the fear of the unknown.

All of this may sound extremely challenging, however there can be a very positive outcome to the month but it requires certain disciplines and the willingness to deal with feelings and emotions without blame or judgment.

The tension brings up what has been brewing under the surface, sometimes dramatically, much like a volcano finally releasing its pressure. And much like a volcano, the release can be destructive but it can also build new fertile ground. We need to surrender to the process, keep an optimistic attitude, and practice enjoying our life, no matter what.

The discipline includes using discernment to differentiate your emotions as opposed to the feelings of others especially if they are loaded with projections. Is the tension coming from within yourself? Or is it coming from outside with expectations? This is a practice of taking responsibility for what is yours and being able to leave be what is not.

The actions and projections of others may trigger you emotionally this month. Don’t take anything personally but at the same time use the trigger to examine your own feelings and emotional reactions, taking responsibility for what needs to change.

We can heal deeply and have the opportunity for permanent and powerful transformation. If the tension is from within, perhaps you are being called to release, forgive and reset. It may be an attitude, habit, or something more tangible like a whole relationship.

Another discipline is to strengthen your trust in spirit. When you can truly trust that all is as it should be, especially if you have stayed on track, the anxiety falls away and you can stop being hypervigilant in trying to control the future. We need to trust that we are all co-creating the future in the best way possible, even if our personalities are not yet clued into the plans.

Another discipline is to keep the drama to a minimum. We are strangely addicted to drama so it is easy to use any state of conflict to spin a captivating story. The more focus and energy you put into drama, the more drama you will create.

If you truly wish to navigate well through any personal crisis, you will stay in your own lane, deal with your personal feelings and move to the next step with neutrality as quickly as possible. The challenge this month will be to allow others their space to be where they are in their process without interfering. Unless you are directly affected by their drama in a negative way, let them be. As a wise teacher we had many years ago said, “It is not your problem”.

The most important discipline this month is to keep your vibration high as much as possible. This includes choosing to see beauty in everything, choosing humor and playfulness instead of being irritated all the time, choosing to always see the glass half full instead of half empty and choosing to experience life as abundant in all ways.

It helps to spend time in nature or in your garden, focusing on what is growing and what is abundant. It helps to be around others who are also practicing these disciplines.

Use the tension to be productive and gain traction on intentions, projects and anything you are inspired by. It is a creative time for expanding your awareness and transforming your experience of life provided you can truly release what you have been holding on to so tightly out of the fear of change. Take a risk and do it. Otherwise the tension will cause you no end of discomfort.

How the month shows up:

You Personally

A challenging but productive month for personal growth. The discipline is to stay out of self-doubt, self-deprecation, self-judgment, regret, shame and guilt. It is possible for all of these to surface at one time or another due to emotional extremes caused by tension sometimes leading to crisis.

You may experience tension pushing up against personal stagnation in any area that needs to be unblocked in order for you to move forward. If this leads to crisis, use it responsibly as a vehicle for personal change. Practice awareness and discernment when it comes to your issues as opposed to others projections.

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SF Source The Power Path May 2023

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