A Freeman’s Perspective Public Service On Wikileaks

Paul Rosenberg – It’s rather impressive how well the WikiLeaks emails have been kept out of public consciousness. A little bit frightening too, I suppose. “Control the narrative” really works.


But regardless of how well these emails have been kept out of the public mind, they remain available, and they matter a great deal. And so we’ve put together a free short report containing what I feel are the most important of them. I think these are things that every Westerner, and certainly every American, should see. The way things really work is not as advertised.


Paul Rosenberg

SF Source www.FreemansPerspective.com Jan. 2017

Obama, Clintons, Soros! The Unthinkable In Plain Sight! (Pizzagate Wikileaks) [Video]

Gillian Grannum – The video below is one of the most comprehensive compilations of the “Pizzagate Scandal” I’ve seen to date. The information is both disturbing and deeply revealing. It concerns the prurient activities of those who would be (and are) members of Earth’s planetary ruling class.


Please be advised Google et al. are scrubbing the net of this information. This video may be taken down at any time.

Continue reading

Arianna Huffington, journalist: echo chamber for Hillary Clinton

Jon Rappoport – Arianna Stassinopoulos, aka Huffington, is a Greek bearing gifts. For Hillary Clinton.

AriannaThe Huffington Post pretends it’s doing objective journalism. Nice try. No one has believed in HuffPo’s objectivity for a long time. But now we have an email that seals the deal.

Zero Hedge reports: “…the latest Podesta dump from WikiLeaks fully exposes the blatant collusion in black and white. In the following email chain, when asked whether she would like to join the board of a pro-democrat media consortium, PMUSA, Ariana graciously declines saying that she could be more useful to the Clinton campaign by pushing its agenda through the Huffington Post “without any perceived conflicts”.

“She [Arianna] is enthusiastic abt the project but asks if she’s more useful to us not being on the Board and, instead, using Huffpo to echo our [pro-Hillary] message without any perceived conflicts. She has a point.”

“The sender of the email is none other than Susan McCue, the former chief of staff to [Democrat Senator] Harry Reid while the recipients include John Podesta [Hillary’s campaign chairman] and the ever controversial David Brock whose Super PAC, Correct the Record, has been sued for illegally coordinating with the Clinton campaign.”

Well, isn’t that wonderful. Continue reading

Treason: Our Banana Republic Exposed [Video]

SGT Report – Hillary Clinton is the Queen of the New World Order and the mainstream mockingbird media is colluding with the DNC and the Clinton campaign to HIDE her documented crimes from the American people.


JS Mineset’s Bill Holter is back to help document the collapse. Bill says that the United States is becoming a banana republic right before our eyes.

As Donald Trump recently stated, “The Clinton machine is at the center of this power structure. We’ve seen this firsthand with the Wikileaks documents in which Hillary Clinton meets in secret, with international banks to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty. The Clintons are criminals.”

And still, the CIA mockingbird media targets Trump while giving Clinton a free pass.

The fix is in.

SF Source SGTreport.com Oct. 2016

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