Are You Listening? Part 2 of 2

There is a great deal that is shifting and lifting your world and all life upon her into a completely new spectrum of universal awareness that is now calling all of you into the higher domains of your consciousness and into a new Golden Age of Freedom. ~ Jeshua & Mary Magdeline and Saint Germain & Lady Portia

presenceSome of you may be inwardly sensing rather than outwardly seeing the many changes that are taking place within and around your world. Your ability to intuitively feel and hear that your world is shifting in beautifully profound and undeniable ways reveals your ever-keener abilities to listen to your Presence.

As you continue to move into a totally new spectrum of consciousness that you share with all of life, you will discover that old values and ways of listening are simply falling away. The more you move into these higher frequencies, your Divine listening abilities will continue to expand along with your intuitive inner knowing. This will be experienced as an increasingly cherished gift you have always had even when at times the world around you has appeared to be in chaos.

You knew that you had elected to experience the Earth’s outer structures breaking down and that you would be witnessing the last-gasp release of humanities fear-based ideas and actions. You knew that even as this was taking place, you would simultaneously be feeling a growing surge of Divine Love, Divine Peace and even Divine Joy breaking through and spreading throughout the consciousness of all life on Earth.

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Are You Listening? Part 1 of 2

There comes a time for every dedicated spiritual student when “accidents” or unwanted experiences are simply known and acknowledged to be arising solely for your spiritual growth. Many are feeling the higher dimensional energies that are now pouring to Earth with increasing intensity. These energies are serving to prepare you for living in higher levels of awareness that you have not known for thousands of years. These new frequencies are empowering you to seek freedom of expression, self rule, and new ways of living, being, and governance. You may not fully understand why you are feeling these urges or why your thinking has changed so much in the last few months, yet we suggest you acknowledge on some level of your being that your guidance is leading you into very new ways of living on Earth. ~ Ascended Masters Kuthumi and Lady Claire

heartHumankind’s increasing dissatisfaction with “business as usual” began when powerful and high resonating energies started to replace the old 3rd dimensional frequencies. Profound personal clearings are presently being supported, and the Heart Centers of many have now opened for new ascension frequencies that are allowing the heart to receive higher communications from your Presence. Even the higher dimensional Heart Center located in the thymus is becoming much more receptive for all who are consciously willing to listen to their Presence.

The dissolution of all old energy patterns begins the moment you choose to listen and follow the impetus or ideas that are constantly coming to you from your own Presence. As the higher levels of the heart continue to open, any residual dense self-created energetic walls of protection that were formed primarily as the result of past and present experiences will simply weaken and dissolve. This allows the heart’s already present frequencies of love to flow forth, the result of which is often a whole new world view. The “new” you often does not even realize that anything has changed until you attempt to live as usual, and then find that you no longer resonate with any of your old ways of thinking, acting and even loving.

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Dance of head and heart

dreamsThe Angels – The Creator never intended for you to struggle. You were never designed to handle a challenge or manage your human lives alone. You were not given dreams to taunt you, nor were you given the power of higher thought to control you. Instead you were meant to acknowledge the heart, to use your minds to figure out how to support your dreams, and to exist in a beautiful dance between the two. You were designed to live in harmony within yourself… and with the rest of creation.

Sadly, this is often not the case upon your planet earth. The mind has usurped the heart’s power. Like a bad marriage, in which one partner thinks him or herself to be of more value than the other, a relationship with yourself in which the head negates heart is never pleasant. Nor conversely, is a relationship where the heart dreams but ignores the head, productive either. You were meant to live in a beautiful balance between the two.

So when you have a dream, by all means learn what you need to learn! Do what you know to do! But then dear ones, when you feel you do not know the next step, when you have “run out of options” as you like to say, when you start to lose faith in yourself, or when you begin to tire, or lose passion for what you are doing… Stop. This is not the time or place for the mind to take charge, because now it will simply start to make itself busy by finding reasons to fear, reasons to push you, or reasons to fail. Instead, this is the time, once again, to drop into the heart.

Ask yourself a simple question, “Heart what do you want to do now?” or
God what do you want for me in this moment?” The answer will almost always be simple and feasible given the reality around you.

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Gifts from everyone

LotusFlowerStarsThe Angels – Everyone who crosses your path has a gift for you. There is purpose in every single one of your human interactions, no matter how small and insignificant they might seem. There is a dance going on, universally, with only one intention – to guide each and every one of you back into the arms of Love, back into the realization that you can never be separate from the Divine. Everyone is offering you a gift that can help you on this journey. It is your task to “unwrap the Presence.”

It is easy to recognize the gift of love in the kind souls. It is much harder to recognize this gift in the unkind ones. We spoke of this last week. They are often in front of you to help you remember to love yourself, to have compassion but not pity, to “forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

It is sometimes difficult to see how those who are in need are a gift, but they too help you learn and grow into greater love. Perhaps they help you see you have something to give. They help you value yourself and your talents more. Or they might simply be placing demands upon you so you can learn good boundaries or to honor your time and resources more than you have in the past.

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Living as the Integrated Self (Part 2 of 2)

Due to the recent energy upgrades that have been taking place these last few months, your 3rd dimensional world has now moved into a much greater alignment with your ascended Earth, bringing forth more Light and Love, as well as some major wake-up events. This merger is also helping to open the ancient, crystalline strands of your DNA, which have not been activated for millions of years. These luminous fibers are now moving into positions where they can be more easily assimilated into your physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies. This will continue to produce certain upgrades in your internal structure so you are fully prepared to embody all of the crystalline (all Christ) frequencies of your Presence. ~ Jeshua the Christ

presenceYou are in the process of a full metamorphosis. Allow your mind to trust the guidance of your Presence so you can embrace whatever is going on in or around your own unique spiritual cocoon. It is the depth of your trust that has the power to completely eliminate any residual fear or resistance to your own unique ascension process. Trust will allow you to peacefully integrate much more of your multidimensional nature.

Everyone in your world is either living where they are being spiritually supported or they are moving to places where there are people and geographic power nodes that will be supporting their ascension. The more you keep mastering your life by bringing your past, present and future into complete harmony with your God Self, the more you will hear the guidance of your Presence and the more authentic wisdom and power you will have for assisting others in realizing their own unique capacities to ascend into the freedom that comes from living in Unity or Christ Consciousness.

Continue to ask your Presence, beloveds, to keep supporting your Golden Age creations while augmenting the spiritual qualities of steadfastness and right action. Keep doing whatever is necessary to live in complete harmony with all of the divine qualities of your Presence so these powers can keep supporting your ongoing mastery and your ascension. Continue reading