Switching Realities

realizationMaureen Moss – I pray you are well and continuing to feel the magical and mystical internal effects of the most defining, undeniable and memorable experiences in our personal and collective human history.

The past few weeks have brought unprecedented and yet to be realized change to all our lives.

Heart to heart and Consciousness to consciousness we felt ourselves being ignited and united in the most Loving manner as pure undiluted Divinity touched us, held us, and accelerated us in ways we have longed for though barely imagined.

Deep within our hearts we could feel the evidence that we weren’t alone, forgotten, nor relegated to dreaming about our freedom any longer.

Star systems and galaxies took their turn impulsing us with conversion energies needed to establish ourselves in a New Reality. Ultimately the direct undiluted energies of the Heart and Mind of our Mother/Father God reached down through a portal known as Totality, opened our hearts, stilled our minds and lifted us up and out of all binding timelines, wiped our human templates clean, and switched on tampered with and dormant DNA carrying our true life story, undistorted memories and boundless potential in it. For many of us there was a visceral sense that the cords to the 3D matrix were severed. Continue reading

Doreen Virtue’s Angel Messages For Jan 18 – 24, 2016 [Video]

It’s a week of epiphanies and important personal realizations. You will learn a great deal this week, and may even take a class to further your learning.

With the full moon in Leo around the corner, mixed with the tail-end of Mercury Retrograde, you may need some extra rest. This is a great week for spending time alone in nature. Really pay attention to your visions (including dreams), as they are filled with answers and guidance for you.


Notes: Doreen is working with the Saints & Angels Oracle Cards, available at bookstores and app stores worldwide, including at: http://bit.ly/SaintsAngelsCards.

SF Source Doreen Virtue  Jan 2016

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A January of Introspection, Realization and Transformation

erisHenry Seltzer – The astrology of January 2016 features Mercury in retrograde, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, and Eris. As we slide into the new year we are treated to a large dose of outer planet interaction that ensures that the major changes of the past year are far from over.

The old lunation cycle from mid-December had its kick-off with Mars opposite Uranus, and the new one that begins with the late Capricorn New Moon of the evening of January 9th takes place a few degrees from Pluto, as the square between them narrows in exactitude to less than one and a half degrees. This emphasizes over the course of the present month the powerful factor that these “gods of change” represent, although according to modern thinking about the symbolic influence of such World Transits, this configuration will remain active until the end of the present decade.

For more information regarding this revolutionary and evolutionary combination, see the remarkable book Cosmos and Psyche, by Richard Tarnas. Since Mercury is about to turn retrograde, on January 5th lasting to the 25th — and beyond, when we take the period of the ‘retrograde shadow’ into account — traveling mainly through the sign of Capricorn as it does, we are now in a thoughtful period, with plenty of energy for introspection, and for questioning whether the logic of the material world has sufficient answers to the fundamental questions of our 21st Century existence.

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Oracle Report ~ Thursday, October 29, 2015

Photo by Smith

Full Moon in Gemini: illumination, fulfillment, shadow side, realization

Goddess of Wisdom: Kali – Goddess of Endings and Beginnings

God of Will/Desire: Elias – God of the West

Skill: practice balance and forward movement

True Alignments: acceptance of others as they are and self-acceptance, admiration, admissions or confessions of truth, change of mindset, seeing clearly, shared impulses, renewal of respect or self-respect, going under the surface

Catalysts for Change: elitism, judgmental, selfish, rejection, feelings of meaninglessness, stealing money or happiness, forsaking the self, hyperactive, imbalance, hiding behind a poor excuse

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a Jewish rabbi performing his duties”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

The Full Moon phase continues and the Great Mirror in the Sky continues to shine the light of reflection. Today, reflection, realization, and illumination comes from deep places to bring balance and forward movement:

Sun: “deep sea divers” – When a planet reaches this degree, we most always have to look under the surface or the veneer of things to make sense of them. When the Sun reaches this degree, it brings things up from the depths. The people in the symbol are not snorkelers, they are divers. They are capable of diving many fathoms, perhaps, in order to fathom many things.

Earth: “a woman of Samaria comes to draw water from the well” – When we return to “the well,” we come to replenish ourselves. This symbol involves returning to our true selves or returning to our true Source, especially when we are running dry or running low. Deep sea divers would certainly be qualified to investigate the well and what’s down there. Continue reading