What to Do When Ancient Home Remedies Don’t Work for You

Countless people swear by ancient remedies, relying on at-home options, essential oils, plants, and other more natural methods for healing an ailment. Though many of these things do work well for certain illnesses or particular pains, not everyone benefits from ancient treatments. When these cures fail to work for you, there are some other options available.


ArthritisWhile certain oils may help with some mild pain, such as peppermint oil, it won’t help if there is a chronic or otherwise serious issue causing major pain.

A broken bone or body filled with arthritis cannot be cured with essential oils or home remedies. For example, if someone has unbearable pain in their hip caused by arthritis, a hip replacement surgery would be the right option to actually fix the problem and not just treat some of the symptoms of pain.

Anyone who tries other options and still has no pain relief, and has such terrible pain that it debilitates them and makes it difficult to remain mobile, should look into surgery as a treatment option.  Continue reading