Sedna and Our Emerging World

Mythological Sedna

Sedna and the Saturn/Neptune Conjunction – February 2026Sarah Varcas – Sedna is the Inuit sea goddess, also known as mother or mistress of the sea and goddess of the underworld. There are many versions of her story, but it is basically told that upon reaching marriageable age she refuses all proposals, preferring to remain in the comfort of her parents’ home.

Finally, a mysterious and attractive stranger steals her heart, but once at their new home he reveals himself to be Raven Man and Sedna realizes she’s been tricked. She is livid but remains trapped in the unwanted marriage. Her distressed cries eventually reach the ears of her father who sets out to rescue his daughter, bringing her home in his boat. Continue reading

Frozen Contraction & Expansive Release

22nd August 2021: Blue Moon in 30th Degree of Aquarius

blue moonSarah Varcas – This blue moon completes a period of mental recalibration that began with last month’s full moon). Occurring in the final degree of Aquarius, it unlocks the most expansive mental planes that have largely lain neglected by humanity for way too long.

Sometimes referred to as the ‘higher mind’, this is the part of us which sees with astounding clarity the nature of this world and the forces within it; the truth of ourselves and the drives within us; the nature of each other and the web that binds us in a shared destiny. This moon exposes, within and without, who and what is in the driving seat, and where they’ll take us if we let them! Continue reading