Cymatics: How Sound Informs the Material Realm [Video]

Alexandra Bruce – In the Bible it is written, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

This can be interpreted to mean manifold things about a topic of staggering complexity, having to do with the mechanics of how 3D reality manifests.

One aspect of this has to do with the role of sound and how it informs Creation, i.e., us and everything around us.

The study of cymatics explores the action of sound and how it shapes material expression; how this may be indicative of a deeper foundation, upon which all of that, which we see and experience in the material realm and about how it is formed.

SF Source Forbidden Knowledge TV Dec. 2016

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DNA, Frequency and Pitch

rulesJill Mattson – Only 10 percent of our DNA makes proteins. Russians (biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev & colleagues) have studied the behavior of the other 90 percent of DNA. This portion of our DNA serves as data management and storage. Genetic code follows the same rules as human languages. The researchers compared the rules of syntax (the way words are put together to form phrases and sentences) semantics (the study of meaning in language forms) and the basic rules of grammar. The alkaline of our DNA follow grammar and language rules.

They conclude that that the creation of human languages is not accidental, but a reflection of our own DNA. Simply your words can influence your DNA. Qualifying this, they stated that living DNA would only read words when they are the proper frequency. A spiritual master is adept at applying the proper words in the powerful frequency pattern. This would explain why affirmations are more successful with some than others.

Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known that the body is programmable by words, thought and language, but now the science of this phenomenon is beginning to be explained.

SF Source Jill’s Wings of Light  Apr 2016

Russian DNA Discoveries Explain Human ‘Paranormal’ Events

Baerbel – Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known for ages that our body is programmable by language, words and thought. This has now been scientifically proven and explained.

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Symphony of Self

“Then the voices of the Ainur, like unto harps and lutes, and pipes and trumpets, and viols and organs, and like unto countless choirs singing with words, began to fashion the theme of Iluvatar to a great music; and a sound arose of endless interchanging melodies woven in harmony that passed beyond hearing into the depths and into the heights, and the places of the dwelling of Iluvatar were filled to overflowing and the music and the echo of the music went out into the void, and it was not void.” – The Silmarillion. J.R.R.Tolkien.

The Symphony of Self


Picture by Mike Stone

Elva Thompson – When we are born into this world, we bring with us the celestial song of infinite possibility, and our chakras vibrate with the music of creation. Energetically we have a clean slate, but as oneness enters the third dimension it becomes dual, and in duality there is a separation from source, and as a result conflict; conflict equals trauma, the shrinking back of soul.

The shrinking back of soul

“God has mercifully ordered that the human brain works slowly; first the blow, hours afterwards the bruise.”  – The Return. Walter de la mare.

As our awareness expands, the innocence and trust we were born with is soon ravished by trauma that can blight our entire lives; sexual abuse, physical violence, cruelty, and the mind numbing shock of abandonment, rejection, humiliation and oppression. Fortunate indeed, is the child that escapes such trauma, and whose chakras still resonate with the Symphony of Self

Hell hole

I’ve heard it said that our school days are the best years of our lives. Mine were full of fear, re-enforcing my feelings of self-doubt and value as a being… a veritable hell hole for a traumatised young girl. Continue reading

Sound Healing. The Power Of Sound

soundPeter Paul Parker – In the beginning was the word and the word was God. The Hebrew translation for word can also been interpreted as sound. If the word of God was a sound then, could that be the reason for this material creation? There are ancient mystics and sages who believe that the sound Aum or Om is the sound of creation. More recently, back in the 1960’s Swiss scientist Dr Hans Gerry researched the Cymatic frequencies and how they influence physical form. This exploration of the effects of Cymatic frequencies on matter came up with some breathtaking results and I have included the links below this article. Sound really does affect our physical condition in many ways, and this is what I want to explore with this article. Cymatics shows us that sound creates form, and can heal also.

Jonathan Reid is another Cymatic researcher, who is a musician and a scientist. Jonathan was researching these Cymatic patterns within the walls of the Kings chamber inside the Great Pyramid. He was experiencing great back pain while conducting the experiments, and later realised that the pain had disappeared and never came back, and it was the culmination of the sound frequencies that healed his back. We do use sound for healing in hospitals today in the form of ultrasound, which is used to heal tissue, can decrease swelling and gives a gentle massage to the affected area. So we already use sound in today’s modern world for healing and health, but all the possibilities have not been explored as yet. Let us go back in history and see where this was used then.

Pythagoras and Sound Healing

Pythagoras has been credited as being the Father of Mathematics, Geometry and Music. Pythagoras was actually a sound healer. He worked out that music is mathematics and he would perform what he called ‘soul adjustments’ with this music. Pythagoras used intervals, including the Fibonacci series, as a medicine for the body and the emotions. The Fibonacci series of numbers can be found everywhere in nature, and are looked upon as the building blocks of life. If we look at the scale of western music, a scale comprises of 8 notes, and the chord sequence of that note is the third and fifth note. The Fibonacci series starts at the beginning, which is zero, and then the next number is 1. Add zero and one together and you get one. Add one to that and you get two. Add one to two and you get three. Add two and three and you get five. Add three and five and you get eight and it goes up like that. So the numbers go up like this

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Why Good Vibrations May Be Bad


William House – It may be the greatest secret on the spiritual path. Most of today’s music is a hindrance not a help. This has been written about from ancient Greece and even more so today but has fallen on deaf ears. Why? Because this very same music makes us feel good, relieves our stress and tensions, releases anger and we’re happier listening to it, so it can’t be bad.

Before investigating why feeling good may be bad, lets review the evidence published and otherwise documented.

Dr. John Diamond published a book called BK, Behavioral Kinesiology, later changed to Your Body Doesn’t Lie. He relates the story of feeling terrible one fine day in New York City. Being a health practitioner set him on a path of deduction. He wanted to know what common elements over two days made him feel ill. The only thing he could come up with was a visit to the record store Sam Goodys each day. But why would that effect him that way? The clue came when he realized the same song was played both days in the store. Voila! the common denominator. He just happened to be an expert in kinesiology and so began his odyssey of muscle testing himself and other people listening to various kinds of rock and roll for that is what he heard in Sam Goodys. The results startled him. The harder the ‘rock’ the weaker people became. From that harmless side trip to a record store, began a new career for Dr. Diamond. He has gone on to write several books on the positive side of music, discovering that even the consciousness and abilities of a conductor can effect how much ‘energy’ comes from a performance or recording.

In their 1973 classic, The Secret Life of Plants, Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird devote a whole chapter on how music affects plants, called ‘The Harmonic Life of Plants.’ Dr. T.C. Singh, head of the Dept. of Botany at Annamalai University discovered that ragas helped plants grow. He observed this down to the microscopic level as well. They go on to describe several other experiments in Canada and the United States in the 50’s and 60’s where plants and crops grew faster and healthier when listening to Bach, Gershwin and certain sound frequencies. Continue reading