The Soul’s Function

spiritMost sentient life in the universe is nonphysical. Here on planet Earth, we are among the pioneers of life’s great adventurers in experience. We agreed to incarnate, not just into a 4D spirit world, but even further into the crushingly dense realm of 3D physicality.

In order to be here, we have wandered far from the freedom of the nonphysical realm of 5D, but we can take the opportunity now to reconnect with the love, light and beauty of that higher realm of existence. Continue reading

The Path Less Traveled And How to Tackle It…Reflections for the Wanderer

pathOpen – Are you one of those constantly searching for the deeper meaning in order to ignite your life? Plenty say they are, but then the Path Less Traveled is littered with people who fell by the wayside, those who took the soft, comfortable option of staying where they are.

But if you’ve found your way to this, then at the heart of you is likely a burning light, that although may get stuck in a lay-by from time to time, is yearning to return to the highway, to be a flaming brilliance as a way of life. So what does it mean to be walking this “Path Less Traveled?” How might you blaze onwards when all around often seem conforming and constricted?

Light Warriors Carving the Future

Yes, in the spiritual mainstream, you’ll hear plenty about surrender and letting go. But how often is that used as an excuse for non committal? For giving up at the first hurdle: “Oh it’s not meant to be.” Says who? Did you check all the signs or just the convenient ones? Continue reading

Signs You Are Meant To Be A Spiritual Master

spiritual masteryConscious Reminder – It’s true that ‘New-Agers’ were the ones who popularized the word ‘guru’, but, it’s actually a word that comes from the ancient Sanskrit language, meaning “teacher, guide, expert, or master.”

In some cultures, a guru is considered to be a “counselor who helps mold values, shares experiential knowledge as much as literal knowledge, an exemplar in life, an inspirational source and someone who helps in the spiritual evolution of a student.” Basically, spiritual gurus come into your life at some point, and attempt to teach you the very things you need most- if you’re ready to learn.

The presence of a spiritual master is easily felt and noticed. They are lightworkesrs who teach us the universal laws and principles we are all bound to battle with. Continue reading

Get To Know Your Spirit Team

Tanaaz – Your Spirit Team was assigned to you before you entered into your physical body and is here to guide, comfort, protect and reassure your soul on it’s earthly journey.

Everyone has a Spirit Team, and the more you invite their guidance in, the stronger the role they will play in your life.

There are 3 main beings that make up your Spirit Team:

Spirit Guides

Spirit Guides were once human but have ascended to a higher level of consciousness to become angelic guides. Continue reading

Spirit Wishes To Connect

spiritVeronica – We have been asked by many how to connect to the spiritual world.  Most feel it is not available. We would beg to differ.

The spiritual realm is very accessible.  It is those in physical who are often unavailable.

The physical realm is wrought with distraction.  Intense focus upon material items leaves little room for intersection with those in spirit.  Instead of adhering to the hustle bustle of linear, why not slow down a bit to connect to the abundant availability of spirit? Continue reading