Team Building Activity

team buildingEvery person has been in a large group where they needed to get to know the other people. This could be for school, for work, for a family gathering, or meeting new friends. You want to be able to connect with people without it being awkward. A lot of times conversations can lull or it can be hard to start them at all. So how do you get to learn and grow with the people around you?

Team building activities might be the answer for you. You might be thinking that this sounds clinical or like it won’t work, but team building activities don’t have to be boring or forced. In fact, team building activity are often the key to learning more deep subjects about the people around you and learning things from them that you may never have been able to before.

Escape Rooms

The objective of a breakoutIQ escape room is simple – get out of the room.

Of course, it isn’t quite that simple because these rooms are filled with hidden keys, riddles, clues and puzzles. This type of game builds teamwork by utilizing a variety of individual skill and knowledge sets. All team members work together to obtain a mutually-wanted goal. In addition, escape rooms get teams communicating and talking about the issues or objects in the room, thereby facilitating problem-solving, cooperation, and honesty.

Question Games

Try out question games if you really want to get to know people. A lot of times questions games can be fun, entertaining, and allow all parties the chance to speak equally so every voice gets heard. Not only will everyone have a chance to share, but many times conversations can be built off of these simple question games that can lead into real conversations instead of trying to just force small talk to occur.

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Oracle Report ~ Friday, September 18, 2015

Photo by Lisa

Crescent Moon Phase: perseverance, fortification

Moon in Scorpio/Sagittarius 11:32 pm ET/3:32 am UT

Goddess of Wisdom: All (led by Shodashi, Goddess of Beauty, Goddess Who Fulfills Our Highest and Best)

God of Will/Desire: Kathe (God of the South)

Skill: recognize uncertainty as opportunity

Catalysts for Change: divide and conquer efforts, splitting, not committing, not weighing in, hopeless, blocked creativity, suppression of emotions, perfectionism and overblown expectations leading to controlling behavior /self-loathing, hierarchies of control, unwillingness to express self/feelings, putting off until tomorrow, fearful, unsupportive, demanding – particularly demanding to know

True Alignments: discovery, mixing different things or elements together, team building, cohesion, limitless possibility, value for the individual and individuality, diversification, hopeful, devotion, observant, projecting plans into the future, reconstructing something

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a girls basketball team” (unifying)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

As we experience our first full day of Saturn’s re-entry back into the sign of Sagittarius, we feel a shift that is hard to pinpoint, but we really want to know what it is. This is the nature of Saturn in Sagittarius: the seeker inside each of us wants definitive answers that can be acted upon. Continue reading