The Black Hole in the Fabric of Space and Time [Video]

This brilliant exposition by Mr. Cati concerns time manipulation likely to occur between Sept 21 – 28 2015 as the dark side cabal attempts to secure global domination. He posits that the upcoming September window spans the Pope’s visit to the US and much else.

CERN is at the heart of time manipulation within this window. Regarding the End Time prophecies recounted in the Christian bible, he observes that one way to insure an occurrence is to go back in time and write it down. That increases the probability of events occurring in the desired way and is likely what happened.

There is a great deal more to the interview. Well worth taking the time to watch. – g

The “I AM that I AM” Observation


Mr Cati – This video report and conspiratorial discussion will continue the June 11th, 2015 France Crop Circle references to Pope Francis, that was recently observed and reported on while noting the exact dates that Pope Francis is due to visit the USA, beginning on 9-21, the Autumn Fall Equinox, and ending on 9-28, the date of a Blood Moon. The time frame that Pope Francis visits the USA, is a future expected major time line manipulation window, that is key to the NWO future plans of a one world govt and a one world religion. Continue reading