Democrats Demand Male (Trans) Athletes Be Allowed to Compete Against Girls

transgenderRestore American Glory – It’s been funny (and by funny, we mean chilling) to watch this play out. Not very long ago, it would have been unthinkable outside a handful of secretive gay bars that young men pretending to be young women would ever be allowed access to female-only sports. Then, just a few years ago, the idea gained acceptance along with the greater transgender movement.

Finally, in the last couple of years, we’ve seen a handful of states take the position that this should indeed be the policy, and we’ve seen the results: Extraordinarily well-muscled “girls” dominating in track & field, wrestling, and any other sport they should choose to compete in.

And now, with the cultural tide behind them, the Democrats want to turn this absurd situation into the law of the land.

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Trans Man Takes Home Women’s World Cycling Win

McKinnonMommy Underground – Feminism of the modern era emphasizes that women have to work much harder to receive what our culture gives men; which is true, but not consistently supported by the left.

Somehow, progressives believe in the feminist movement, and that transgenders who are biologically male should be able to take on the women’s struggle.

You can not have your cake and eat it too!

Waking up and deciding you no longer want to be male, and you are now going to present as female, does not give you a right to trample on things women have worked a long time for.

The Daily Wire:

On Sunday, two women competing in the women’s sprint 35-39 age bracket at the 2018 UCI Masters Track Cycling World Championships in Los Angeles wound up finishing second and third, losing to a biologically male Canadian professor who identifies as a woman.”

Males compete in different events than females for a reason. Biologically, males are generally made to be stronger, bigger, and more athletic. Continue reading

Is Canada Devolving Into the Kookiest Place On The Planet?

genderJoseph P. Farrell – I’ve known many Canadians over the years and even visited their beautiful country, and for the most part, found them to be a very “grounded” group of people, which leads me to think that maybe the proverbial “they” are putting something – LSD? oxycontin? –  into the water supply at Parliament House in Ottawa.

Ever since the lamentable advent of Mr. Trudeau on the scene, Canada appears to be in a race to establish Ottawa, and not Washington D.C., as the undisputed leader for the swampiest and kookiest place on the planet. (To my Canadian friends: yea, good luck with that. We’ve had a lot more practice).

As a tangent, I would like to propose a new Friendly International Competition between the two countries, one perhaps to rival the Stanley Cup, for the USA and Canada to compete for the kookiest idea to come from its political class on a yearly basis. This will pit Congress and Parliament House directly against each other.

We can call the award the Grand Tacky Award (le Plus Grande Tacqueie for those in Quebec) or Green Worm Award, or some other appropriate name (to be decided at a later date), for the appalling kookiness governing our respective swamps.

The award nominations would be reviewed by a committee of equal numbers of sane Canadians and Americans (if they can be found) and a winner chosen by that committee. In cases of ties, Mr. Putin would be invited to interfere in our internal affairs, and cast the deciding vote, which could then be turned over to Congress and the Canadian Parliament as more evidence of Russian malfeasance.

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