Tribalism: How the Democrat Party Embraces Division

The Left and TribalismPaul Dunlop – The Democrat Party has been taken over by people who want power, the Left. Our system makes it hard to accumulate power. Democrats must destroy our system. Tribalism is a great weapon for doing that.

The leftist Democrat leaders of today only care about getting and keeping power. They don’t care about Blacks or gays or trans or environmentalists. These groups are just weapons of convenience with which to pound the American public into permanent submission. Stoking preexisting tensions in our society, or creating tensions where none exist has been an effective tactic. Continue reading

Rural America: Sweet Land of Liberty

Rural America: Sweet Land of LibertyAlan Harrelson – Rural America is vital to the survival of this nation.  It matters not only for the food and natural resources it produces, but as a source of inspiration, and indeed the best hope for the recovery of our constitutional republic.

The 2020 presidential election results map clearly shows that a conservative stronghold exists in most rural parts of the country, especially in the South, Midwest, and many Rocky Mountain states.  Rural America is not the hinterland of New York City or coastal California.  And yet mainstream media have largely ignored the vision and insights of rural communities for decades. Continue reading

200 Years Ago Davy Crockett Explained the Limits on Government Spending – Not Yours to Give

200 Years Ago, Davy Crockett Perfectly Explained the Limits on Government Spending – Not Yours to GiveEditor’s Note: This incredible story has long been a favorite among that segment of Americans who take the Constitution – and its limits on the federal government – seriously.

In this tale, American hero Davy Crockett, then a Representative for the state of Tennessee, explains exactly why the Constitution doesn’t allow the government to spend money on anything it wants. Not even when our heartstrings are given a healthy tug. Ask yourself: how many American politicians serving right now would have the courage to do what Col. Crockett did? Continue reading

The Five Freedoms

The Five FreedomsBrooks Agnew – Barack Obama on the 5th of January combined the force of the US intelligence agencies to stop Donald Trump from taking office after he was elected. Rice memorialized on January 20th 2017 meeting between herself and senior Obama administration and law enforcement officials because they were “justifiably concerned” about the risks that could come with sharing classified intelligence with President-elect Donald Trump’s incoming administration.

During the meeting, Rice’s memo said, then-President Barack Obama suggested intelligence officials be cautious about sharing information about the demonstrably false conspiracy of the Russia investigation with the Trump transition team, “particularly” incoming national security adviser Michael Flynn. By that time, multiple senior members of the campaign had been in contact with high-ranking Russians, including Flynn, incoming Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and senior adviser Jared Kushner. Continue reading

America Is More Fragile Than the Left Understands

America Is More Fragile Than the Left UnderstandsVictor Davis Hanson – The Left has been tempting fate since January 2021—applying its nihilist medicine to America on the premise that such a rich patient can ride out any toxic shock.

Our elites assume that all our nation’s past violent protests, all its would-be revolutions, all its cultural upheavals, all its institutionalized lawlessness were predicated on one central truth—America’s central core is so strong, so rich, and so resilient that it can withstand almost any assault.

So, we can afford 120 days in 2020 of mass rioting, $2 billion in damage, some 35 killed, and 1,500 police injured. Continue reading