Is America Falling Like Rome?

Samuel Robert Piccoli  – When news of the Battle of Saratoga reached Britain, a young Scottish barrister told economist Adam Smith: “If we go on at this rate, the nation must be ruined.” Adam Smith responded, “Be assured young friend, that there is a great deal of ruin in a nation.” By that, he meant that nations can absorb a lot more blows than the pessimists tend to think.

Is America Falling Like Rome?A few days ago, American Greatness had a very concerned article by Victor Davis Hanson on the future of America.  After quoting Adam Smith’s answer at the beginning of the article, and after reviewing the ills that beset America, Hanson concluded his reflection with the following statement: “We have seen lots of cultural revolutions in this country, but never one that was so singularly focused on razing the foundations of America — until now. Yes, there is a lot of ruin in great nations. But even America is by now running low on it.” Continue reading

The ongoing battle between self-government and global government

COVID Communism Has Been Contagious
J. B. Shurk – Now that we’re approaching the three-year anniversary of COVID-1984’s global demolition (or “Great Reset” in World Economic Forum parlance), reality looks very different from what many people once perceived it to be.  Raise your hand if you thought “free” nations would declare the authority to close millions of small businesses until they went bankrupt and folded.  Or whether never-before-used, experimental cocktails of mRNA “vaccine” would be coercively injected into citizens.

Did you think governments would conspire to cover up “vaccine”-related injuries and deaths?  Did you expect that the Canadian government would take the unprecedented steps of invoking the Emergencies Act and seizing the private bank accounts of Freedom Convoy protesters in order to intimidate peaceful Canadians and quell dissent?

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The Five Freedoms

The Five FreedomsBrooks Agnew – Barack Obama on the 5th of January combined the force of the US intelligence agencies to stop Donald Trump from taking office after he was elected. Rice memorialized on January 20th 2017 meeting between herself and senior Obama administration and law enforcement officials because they were “justifiably concerned” about the risks that could come with sharing classified intelligence with President-elect Donald Trump’s incoming administration.

During the meeting, Rice’s memo said, then-President Barack Obama suggested intelligence officials be cautious about sharing information about the demonstrably false conspiracy of the Russia investigation with the Trump transition team, “particularly” incoming national security adviser Michael Flynn. By that time, multiple senior members of the campaign had been in contact with high-ranking Russians, including Flynn, incoming Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and senior adviser Jared Kushner. Continue reading

Progressives are the Cause for American Decline

Progressives are the Cause for American DeclinePaul Krause – Two of the greatest insights from the philosopher Plato are that societies are structured around symbols of justice and unity. and that societies need stories to function in an orderly way without the chaos of tyranny.

For most of American history, those symbols of justice and unity were the Declaration, Constitution, flag, and churches. These symbols combined for a powerful unifying story: the story of American liberty and equality that was also inspiring the advance of liberty and equality around the world. Continue reading

Take America Down before Anyone Notices

The Leftist StrategyPeggy Ryan – Admiral Grace Hopper once said it’s “much easier to apologize than to get permission.”  She’s right.  To ask is to risk being endlessly bounced through the bureaucracy or swamped in useless, redundant forms.  Even worse, you could be told no.

Today many in position to make laws or issue orders are fully embracing this plan: push ahead, ignore the law, and just get it done.  The beauty of this plan is that it’s much harder, if not impossible, to undo something already in place.  Thus the Deep State, globalists, insurgents utilize the “don’t ask, can’t fail” strategy, where even an unlawful or unconstitutional order is treated as real law until the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) says otherwise. Continue reading