Cruz impresses Trump with clever border wall plan

cruzThe Horn News – Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Tex., has a clever plan for the border wall that the mainstream media is refusing to cover — but it has President Donald Trump listening.

Cruz’s idea could easily give the GOP the victory they’re looking for on the southern border. It could give Americans the security they’re demanding. And it wouldn’t cost taxpayers a dime.

Mexican drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman will be going to jail soon. It’s unlikely he’ll ever get out. Use his money, Cruz says — an estimated $14 billion in assets leftover from years of illegal drug trafficking — to fund the border wall. Continue reading

NY’s New Full Term Abortion Law, National Emergency EO Builds Wall, Failing MSM [Video]

abortionGreg Hunter – NY Governor Cuomo signed a law that legalized abortion until the day of birth. Liberals celebrated, but many swear to fight this new abortion right up to the Supreme Court.

It looks like President Trump is eyeing an emergency Executive Order to build the Wall on the U.S. southern border and reopen the government. Some of the $7 billion that Trump will scrape together will come from the Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security. The President says drugs and crime are pouring in from Mexico, and the Wall will dramatically cut crime. Continue reading

Trump Puts Schumer and Pelosi in a Brilliant Vise Grip

trumpJim Davis – The federal government shutdown has presented a unique opportunity for President Donald Trump to clear out the deadwood in the federal bureaucracy, saving U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars in salaries, perks, and rented office space for people who aren’t doing anything productive.

At the same time, Trump can get rid of dozens, possibly even hundreds of Deep State operatives in the government, handpicked by Barack Obama and Bill Clinton for their loyalty to the Democratic Party, not their country or the law.

These people leak like a screen door in a submarine, mainly to CNN and MSNBC, the twin headquarters of Trump-hatred on cable TV.  Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were choreographing their leaks to the media via text messages.  Even though Strzok was fired and Page resigned, it’s clear there are many others.  They actively resist Trump and the Republicans at every opportunity.  This is the core of the Resistance. Continue reading