True Wealth Sovereignty In A New World Rising

The Golden Heart Dialogues July 4 2013

thepathwayofdivineloveWhy would an evolved being do something to debase oneself for money, or false empowerment and raw power? Our current situation lends itself to a time of chaotic upheaval to the core. When those who are ready to have equality in wealth awaken totality, the world will then be a place of natural intent and basic principles based on love as the governance. This posting is part two in my series on true wealth.

The errant fabrication of malice with regard to wealth is rampant. Money is, and has always been used to create a vast group of undermined and out-classed people. It was originally designed to separate and to create a natural divide. “We have money and you don’t,” is the concept here.

In a sense the creation of the fiat money was a ploy to destroy the natural sovereign persons’ ability to live a simple abundant life of true wealth.

As this intent was from the start malevolent, it did require a mass agreement that was previously determined to override one’s capacity to naturally thrive. As the Over-Worldly Group obstructed the basic tenets of primordial intent, there was a desperate ploy to divide, regroup and subdivide those who had and from those who did not.

By setting this into place one was out-classed and set apart from those who were deemed important. As those who were deemed important connived further to usurp and control, there was little resistance due to aggression with force. Those who did not have were very happy with the notion that they had all that was required. They knew how to cohabitate with nature and with the laws of nature. Living harmoniously in alignment is the initial tendency and to use only what you need, then replicate, restore, resource  and replenish, and most importantly one knew to never, never, exploit or misuse the resources. Think of The Ringing Cedars book series here.

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How To Naturally Increase Your Financial Frequency

Jafree Ozwald June 24 2013

“Life is full and overflowing with the new. But it is necessary to empty out
the old to make room for the new to enter.” ~ Eileen Caddy

Eileen CaddyHave you ever wondered why some people attract money quite easily, while others work 12 hour shifts every day and barely make ends meet? The big difference between these two groups of people is the financial frequency they are sending out. This frequency is a real live measurable field of energy, which is created by the thoughts, feelings and consciousness you have whenever you think about, speak about, or interact with money. People with a high frequency can attract money easily, while people with a low frequency have to struggle for money to flow their way…it’s that simple.

To increase the amount of money you can receive, it’s important to first understand what money actually is. Simply put, money is energy, and they call it “currency” because it was derived from the root word “current”. This current is a flow of electrons that produces a natural electrical magnetic field. The stronger the electrical current, the more intense the magnetic field becomes. The income you make each month is a by product from the electrical current you’re radiating out. The higher the income you receive, the stronger your magnetic field is and the easier it becomes for you to attract more of it. This is why rich people seem to effortlessly grow richer. They feel a higher financial frequency inside themselves, as they see what is physically in their bank account.

The good news is that you don’t need to acquire a massive pile of cash to increase your Financial Frequency. All you need is to learn how to think, feel, and interact with others in a consistently abundant way. Feel the magnetic field of energy around you now, this is what will start attracting real abundance to you. As the great law of attraction states, like attracts like. When you are living from a state of abundance consciousness for many consecutive weeks on end, the physical manifestation of more money will start materializing around you, through you, and eventually get magnetized into your bank account!

“Your prosperity consciousness is not dependent on money; your flow of money is dependent on your prosperity consciousness. As you can conceive of more, more will come into your life.” ~ Louise Hay

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Detoxing The Money Programming

Zen-Haven June 11 2013

Empathy for the poor and the homeless comes from somewhere, just like with all things, ‘been there… done that’ gives you the feeling of a particular experience. You have felt the disdainful glare… and it makes you tender hearted when the homeless man approaches. No matter that it might be self-caused – you know he longs to feel dignity, and so you offer some money and tell him, “I wish you the very best.” And you mean it.

Last night I was talking with a very wealthy man, listening to his experiences. He told stories about his friends, and these were the oddest stories… so far outside my realm of experience. “Wow, you really know some strange people,” was all I could say. What stood out? The fact that I had never lived that… I had no feeling for it. And I confess… I was grateful.

I have nurtured the belief that a focus on money would take me away from my purpose. So it seems this belief is a personal challenge of mine, and maybe it is yours too. Can we step outside the system’s control, focus on the spiritual, and have plenty of money at the same time? Can we actually be limitless in our expectations?

Denying yourself certain experiences because of the entrapping nature of those experiences is real, and it’s wise. But why money? Why do we see it as entrapping? We’re getting to the point where the renewal is to be manifested, and it wouldn’t hurt to have some to spread around.

So today I’m working to understand the conditioning and programming behind this mindset… the closest I can come to it for myself is ‘sacrifice is divine’.

Who taught me the nobility of sacrifice? Well, I don’t need to ask really. It was the sacrifice of Jesus story that I absorbed in childhood. I didn’t realize that the underbelly was guilt. Do I regret taking those messages to heart? Not at all. They led me to experiences that have increased my understanding.

I’m sure my stories would be as strange sounding to the wealthy as theirs are to me.

I know how it feels to be homeless. I’ve been homeless under the worst of circumstances… pregnant with a 1 ½ year old baby. I didn’t get there through drug addiction or ill behavior… it was inadequate planning, trying to travel on a wing and a prayer. One wing is not enough! But two human angels did help me out of it. I can now teach the wealthy how to help the homeless if they’re interested in knowing.

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Judge Dale ~ And The Rest Will Take Care Of Itself

Shift Frequency | January 26 2013

“Money is the root of all evil,” (1 Timothy 6:10). I am not a religious man; a fanatic or philosopher by any stretch of the imagination and yet I admire how prophetic and profound this phrase has proven to be, as evidenced by mans excessive love for money; possessions and the political and moral history of human civilization.

Ironically, the only thing that money cannot buy is poverty, but then who wants poverty? You can’t even give it away and yet excessive wealth is responsible for it all and much more. It’s almost paradoxical!

Essentials such as food; clothing; shelter and transportation all have an inherent worth and dollar value assigned to them and whom will provide and supply any of these commodities for free? Sounds totally heartless but perfectly logical and yet my Galactic contact inquired: “Why do you need money?”

Another paradox because my friend certainly wouldn’t be asking that question of me if the Galactics used money, but if they don’t, what fuels their initiative and commerce?
I thought I would be clever and responded to his question with a question: So, why don’t you need money? Instead of a definitive response, the answer I received was: “You are immortal and know the answer to that question!” Don’t you just hate when that happens; isn’t it enough that I can hear voices?

I learned from our previous discussions with my Galactic friend, that all human beings possess the God spark, which was defined as intelligent energy; the energy of creation; the energy to create; the root of immortality and that only the physical organic body I incarnated into, is limited by time and fate.

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The Key To Financial Abundance Is Love

Inspire Me Today | September 9 2012

. . .  What follows love as a top concern? The answer is money. Interestingly, the two are entwined.

The key to financial abundance, just like everything else in life, is love. We must love ourselves in order to 1) feel worthy, 2) receive abundance, 3) maintain wealth, and 4) grow our financial resources. If there are parts of ourselves we don’t love, our subconscious mind will find all sorts of ways to create the financial difficulties we think we deserve.

Thankfully, there are myriad ways we can address the financial challenges we’ve created. First, we must release anything that is holding us back, and then we must fill that space with what can move us forward. We also must clarify our desire.

Releasing Financially Draining Thoughts and Emotions

All of us have “dings” in our mind’s perception of our financial actions and abilities. Many of us carry doubts, worries, and criticisms every day of our lives. But, these inherently are creating more of the same challenges we faced before. If you want to move forward, it is crucial you release any guilt or blame you are harboring because of past financial decisions or your current financial status.

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