Water Liberty: How Innovation Trumps Privatization

FoodFreedomNews  May 2 2014

WaterInHourGlassThe World Bank joins Nestlé in wanting to privatize water, deeming it “extremist” to suggest that those born on this planet have a natural right to clean, potable water. Meanwhile, RT’s Abby Martin reportsthat the watchdog group Corporate Accountability Internationalrecently released a new analysis showing that:

“Investing in private water does not extend access and is also counterproductive for economic development. By contrast, infrastructure investment, abandoned by the corporate sector, is where real benefit can be achieved: the World Health Organization estimates more than $10 of economic benefit from every $1 invested in water infrastructure systems.“

Also commenting on the World Bank’s push for water privatization, Al Jazeera reports:

“Its project database for private participation in infrastructure documents a 34 percent failure rate for all private water and sewerage contracts entered into between 2000 and 2010, compared with a failure rate of just 6 percent for energy, 3 percent for telecommunications and 7 percent for transportation, during the same period.“

Whether public or private, water supplies are dwindling. In one shocking report from 2012, the US Defense Intelligence Agency’s Community Assessment of Global Water Security states that the global need for water will exceed the supply by 40% in the next 25 years.

“This means for every 3 people on this planet, there will only be enough water for 2 people,” says Kacper (like the ghost) Postawski. Right now, the three main sources of water in the US are rapidly running dry:

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Christina Sarich ~ 5 Important Vitamin Combinations For Optimum Health

NaturalSociety  April 29 2014

VitaminsWe’ve all heard that we should take our vitamins, but did you know that combining certain nutrients helps the body to absorb them more readily, and can even boost their efficacy over taking the vitamin or mineral alone? Consuming vitamins together creates a synergistic effect in the body.

Following are five important vitamin combinations to ward against disease and attain a great health boost:

1. Vitamin E and Sesame Seeds

Vitamin E is wonderful all on its own. It acts as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, guarding against cardiovascular disease. The only problem is that one of the important nutrients in Vitamin E, tocotrienols, are hard for the body to assimilate since only the fat and skin tissues can absorb them. Eating sesame seeds has been shown to improve absorption of Vitamin E tocotrienols by up to 500%.

2. Vitamin K and Vitamin D

These two vitamins all by themselves are powerhouses, but when used together they are a wonderful protective combo against osteoarthritis and osteoperosis. Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium so that our bones stay strong, and Osteoporosis International has concluded that lifetime supplementation with vitamin K1 or, even better, K2, vitamin D3, and calcium is likely to reduce fractures and increase survival in postmenopausal women. Continue reading

Tony Cartalucci ~ The Troubling Truth Behind The Ebola Outbreak

EbolaIn the Guardian’s article, “Panic as deadly Ebola virus spreads across West Africa,” it reports:

Since the outbreak of the deadly strain of Zaire Ebola in Guinea in February, around 90 people have died as the disease has travelled to neighbouring Sierra Leone, Liberia and Mali. The outbreak has sent shock waves through communities who know little of the disease or how it is transmitted. The cases in Mali have added to fears that it is spreading through West Africa.

The Guardian also reported that Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), also known in English as Doctors Without Borders, had established treatment centers in Guinea, one of which came under attack as locals accused the foreign aid group of bringing the disease into the country. Also under fire is the government of Guinea itself, which has proved incapable of handling the crisis.

This latest outbreak, which has yet to be contained and is being considered by Doctors Without Borders as an “unprecedented epidemic,” illustrates several troubling truths about global health care, emergency response to outbreaks, and the perception many have of a West subjecting the developing world to a “medical tyranny.”

Failure to Prepare

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It’s So Rigged It’s Rotting At The Core

SDP  February 16-22 2014

“Assume that you ran a business that was found guilty of bribery, forgery, perjury, defrauding homeowners, fleecing investors, swindling consumers, cheating credit card holders, violating U.S. trade laws and bilking American soldiers. Can you even imagine the kind of punishment you’d get?”

Actually, if you’re a top banker it would be zero. “Nada. Nothing. Zilch. No jail time. Not even a fine.”  https://shiftfrequency.com/jim-hightower-the-mobsters-of-wall-street/

That’s because the government that’s supposed to regulate the banks is too compromised to do so, and the banks know this. “A new report has detailed how the military has cooked the books to hide trillions, that’s right trillions, in missing money and equipment. The military calls them “plugs,” a curious term for fraud. These are knowingly fake figures used to hide the fact that there is no accurate record of the money.”http://www.shiftfrequency.com/james-hall-missing-military-industrial-complex-money/

And why is there no accurate record of the money?  “Banks laundry ill-gotten gain, as prevailing practice, in the normal course of business because the arm merchants are protected players in the trade. The reprehensible circle that the dogs of war unleash –  the cash flow from their illicit drug sales, through arms sales – allows for the smooth transfer of hidden blood money into number accounts.” https://shiftfrequency.com/james-hall-missing-military-industrial-complex-money/

So what we have here are interlocking wheels of commerce, banking and centralized government designed to insure the racket Smedley Butler wrote about continues unabated. “[W]ar-time profits – ah! That is another matter – twenty, sixty, one hundred, three hundred, and even eighteen hundred per cent – the sky is the limit.”http://www.shiftfrequency.com/james-hall-missing-military-industrial-complex-money/ 

This is the driving impetus for on-going war – a triumvirate of corporate, banking and regulatory power that manipulates conditions to insure continued dominance and control. “Citizens understand that the Federal Government does not improve the lives of regular people. The two-headed party alliance serves the interests of the political class and their crony elites, who buy influence or exact outright quid pro quo arrangements.”https://shiftfrequency.com/james-hall-missing-military-industrial-complex-money/ 

They’re In Trouble And They Know It

The wars so desperately needed to continue the racket aren’t working out exactly as planned. Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan haven’t sparked the conflagration hoped for in the Middle East so destabilization efforts are now afoot in the Ukraine. But what lies at base of it all? Is it simply a lust for greed and power, or is there a true fear lurking in the central nervous system of The Beast?

The Great Fear – Loss Of Monetary Control

What Bitcoin has made apparent is the degree to which the entire central banking apparatus can be dismantled to the benefit of the people. “The pull of habit and propaganda is so strong that most people haven’t even recognized that software and the web can replace the entire financial/banking sector for a fraction of the cost of the current parasitic system, a system that (as we all know) has captured the regulatory and governance machinery of the central state, making a mockery of democracy.”

What is required is the obsolescence of banking which “includes the Federal Reserve–the ultimate middleman skimming operation.”https://shiftfrequency.com/charles-hugh-smith-banks-are-obsolete-the-entire-parasitic-sector-can-be-eliminated/

The entire system is based on control of energy (human & environmental resources) via a created middleman – central banking – that sets rates of exchange that include exorbitant interest notes and fees that suck way more energy out of the system than is actualized in the trade and exchange of goods and services. This is done by design to insure there is always less energy in the system than that required to foment successful revolution.

This centralized organ of control is operated by a hidden internationally-based power structure. This top-down tiered structure controls investments via powerful privately-owned central banking houses that dictate national policies to governments, and international policies to world organizations. These, in turn, enact the various piece-parts of the control agenda through multiple subsidiary agents such as, for example, the World Health Organization, or environmental groups paid to support the roll-out of Agenda 21.

So if privately owned central banking were removed where’s the liquidity in credit panics to come from? “Well, to start with, once the banking sector is gone then the concentrations of risk and the obscuring of risk that go hand in hand with banking also disappear – the forces that generate panics will have been dispersed. Those forces will have vanished along with the middleman financial sector that created all the risks, speculative excesses and panics.” https://shiftfrequency.com/charles-hugh-smith-banks-are-obsolete-the-entire-parasitic-sector-can-be-eliminated/

That’s the great fear. Loss of the ability to foment war, extract value without replacing it, regulate and control humanity via laws that do not apply to the controllers, and generally wreak havoc with creation in various and diverse ways.

For it all to work requires an uninformed, ignorant and disinterested populace. To a great degree that has been accomplished. However, the danger of failure remains very real due to the fact that almost every single successful revolution within the human condition has not happened as a result of majority engagement. It has occurred as a result of a very few committed individuals – sometimes as few as 5 percent – who held a dream of freedom and ignited colossal change within societies previously enslaved by a minuscule few.

© 2014 Gillian Grannum  All Rights Reserved


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