The Gateway In And Out

cancerLorna Bevan – In the waxing light of the Cancerian New Moon, this week the Sun in Cancer backlit by spiritual Sun Sirius reveals its esoteric soul purpose as the Gateway into and also the Gateway out of this Incarnation. The Cancer mantra is: “I build a lighted house and therein dwell”.

Is the house you are building a lighted house or is it a dark prison? Are you dwelling in all your rooms or only one? Are you living at Small-me personality level or living at the beck and call of your soul? The more lit your House/Soul, the more clearly you see through the illusions of Maya.

On Sunday July 11th, the Guide of Souls Mercury enters Cancer aligning with Jupiter in Pisces to allow an inspiring glimpse of the big picture. Capture your visions, dreams, insights and intuitions as they are amplified by Venus conjunct Mars in Leo on Tuesday and the Sun in Cancer trine limitless Neptune in Pisces on Thursday. Paint them, draw them, dance them, mind map them, sculpt them ….. whatever embeds and imprints them in your heart, your psyche, your soma and your memory banks.

As the Sun opposes Pluto and squares Eris on Saturday 17th, commit to lighting all the rooms in your psyche.

Chandra Symbol Venus/Mars LEO 19: A hummingbird feeding at a trumpet vine.

“Heightened perception exquisitely poised, brilliant and as fast as can be.

You have the genius of seeing things, knowing things, and being there. You bring all this through with a fine-tuned ability to land in the situation at hand with only as much as can be worked with.

You are guided to follow an extraordinary course through the world, which features the perfect opportunities to tap what is inside in so many different ways.

The blessings, the grace, the heart’s wonder are full. As this way of being ripens and matures, you begin to draw out from others the same kinds of marvels and wonders and to make it possible for the vibrancies to spread and grow.

With a wildfire capacity to spread good news and bring realizations wherever they are needed, you work with ever more effortless capacity to bring this world alive.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Weekly forecast – Individual signs


SF Source Hare In The Moon Jul 2021

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