Censoring Reality – Bill Holter [Video]

HolterGreg Hunter – Precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter has been predicting the financial system is going to go down. It’s not a matter of if, but when. One of the things that will make this coming so-called “reset” even worse is people are going to be totally blindsided because accurate and truthful information is censored.

Holter explains why, “One thing that is extremely dangerous, and I know it has affected USAWatchdog.com, you have had your channel taken down by YouTube. The amount of censorship that is going on across the board, and it’s censorship of conservatives, but it is censorship of reality. It’s censorship of truth. That is so dangerous.

If you read the book 1984, we are out-Orwelling George Orwell. The way I view this is very dangerous, and it’s part of the planned reset. . . .Quite simply, if you get taken down or information is taken down, that information is directly over the target.”

Holter says there are huge changes coming to the financial system in the coming “reset.” Holter says, “You are looking at a system that is upside down in the belief that everything is going to be fine because everything is insured. You cannot eliminate risk. You can only move risk from one to another or another. You cannot eliminate risk. The risk is there, it is systemic.”

Systemic risk is plaguing all major markets, according to Holter, “It is the everything bubble. Everything is in a bubble. What they have done is create the most leveraged system in the history of history. I hate to say this, and I have not said this publicly, but I view this as a depopulation event. . . .

The vaccine is part of it, but the big depopulation event is crashing markets and crashing the credit markets. People are not going to be able to go to their Walmart or their local grocery store or wherever because goods are not going to be available. If you live in the city, God help you because I have no idea how you are going to survive.”

In closing, Holter warns, “The powers that be have told us that we are going to have a “reset.” Everybody wants to know what the reset is going to look like. The reset, in my opinion, is going to be the rug being pulled out from under everything. . . . The real estate sector, which is 25% of the economy, is going to collapse. You have equities at all-time highs . . . all-time high valuations, not points.

This is a coordinated effort, and they are going to pull the plug. . . . Once the average person realizes the workforce has been impaired, that’s going to bleed over into the equity market, credit market and the real estate market. The real estate market is in the process of ending these eviction moratoriums–it’s all over for the real estate market. So, there is your reset.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with financial writer, precious metals expert and broker Bill Holter of JSMineset.com.

SF Source USA Watchdog Jul 2021

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