As pure Consciousness there are no needs

humanJohn Smallman – As you wait expectantly for the dramatic shift in personal feeling experiences, and in outside events, to demonstrate absolutely conclusively for you that awakening is occurring in this now moment, be cheerful and spontaneous as you go most positively and hopefully about your daily human lives.  You know, deep within yourselves, that the tipping point has been reached, and that the human collective is awakening rapidly and most enthusiastically, despite all the negative mainstream media news reporting which is most definitely suggesting otherwise.  Your awakening, as you have so often been told, is a done deal!

There is no going back, and increasing joy and wonder lies before you because you are opening to your natural human state of being – Christ Consciousness – the divine state from which you can and will operate consciously and lovingly in each and every moment.

You have been heading back towards this, your completely natural state, since the moment that your sense of separation from your Source filled you with fear.  This is because your Source, the divine field of Consciousness, Love – or, if you wish to personalize It, Mother/Father/God – in Its infinite Love and Wisdom wills for you nothing but everlasting Joy, andthus set up the plan for your reawakening into eternal life as soon as you entered into the unreal state that you are experiencing as separation.  And the divine Will is always achieved.  No other outcome is remotely possible.

As the awakening process becomes firmly established, and the essential changes that result become increasingly apparent to all of humanity, make a point of shining your light on high.  You are all intensely bright beings – as all sentient beings, all humans are – and by choosing to shine brightly in every moment you are extremely effective in assisting and encouraging others to become aware that they too are beings of light, brilliant beings of light.  How could you not be, since you were created perfect, and all that is created is, by definition, perfect in every way?

Let go of your fears and doubts, the anxieties that dissuade you from sharing the truth of who you are.  All that you have to do is be yourselves!  Not the personalities that you donned as masks when you were small children growing up, and seemingly found yourselves inadequate and even worthless compared to the adults and authority figures with whom you had to interact; even compared with your elder siblings!

Many of you feel that you have no one with whom to discuss your true feelings about the meaning of life, of your life, of who you truly are.  And the reason for this is because everyone you know or meet is hiding behind their own fear-formed mask or persona.  And you mostly accept those disguises as who they truly are, because in their apparent confidence or certainty in that disguise, they successfully hide from others their own intense sense of inadequacy.  So many of you feel “less than,” and this sense is encouraged by your egos to keep you in fear, because it confirms your sense of separateness and also your need for a clever and intelligent ego, your apparent human identity, to keep you safe.

When you choose to be yourselves, and show that self fearlessly to others, it frees them to do likewise, often with an enormous sense of relief, as they realise that they are not the only ones suffering from a sense of “less than.”  Being yourselves is truly THE most loving and effective gift that you can offer to others.  Then they feel safe in your presence, accepted, seen, and honored for themselves, just as they are, unconditionally.  And that, as you can most surely understand, is the most precious thing you can give to anyone, because it is what you yourselves have been seeking all your lives.

All humans are, as you have been told so often, perfect divine beings experiencing severe limitation in form as humans.  And that experience of limitation has indeed convinced you that you are separate beings in form, as you struggle to survive in an environment that seems vast in comparison to the size of your seemingly small and insignificant human bodies with which you mostly completely identify.  No wonder you are fearful!

But, in truth, you are immensely powerful beings because Source imbued you with everything that is Source at the moment of your creation.  It could do nothing else because Source is everything, constantly creating Itself in myriad ways as It most willingly shares with Its creation the infinite joy of just being.  As Being, as pure Consciousness, there are no needs, because that is an infinitely uplifting and satisfying state of existence, it is the only state of existence!

Some of you have experienced a brief sense of this, when your thinking has momentarily ceased, and you find yourselves enraptured by beauty in one of the many forms in which it shows itself to you while you are experiencing life as a human – a brilliant and stunning sunset, the intense freshness of spring growth, clear snowy mountains, the beauty of a child or loved one.  It doesn’t last, because the energy of such an experience is far too intense for your human frames to live through for more than a moment without disintegrating.

Love, Source, Mother/Father/God, Consciousness, Presence, is All that exists, isinfinitely vast and is infinitely gentle.  All sentient life is most lovingly enfolded in the Divine Field, always.  Anything that is experienced that is not of Love is unreal and will not last.

However, as humans in form, you do experience time.  Time, although in your present age measured by atomic clocks and collectively agreed upon, is an illusion.  It is an illusion that you all, without exception, have experienced when something you enjoy is gone in an instant, or something that causes you suffering appears to linger interminably.  You do have to deal with it constantly in order to come together physically at agreed places to interact with one another.  But, when you are not using it for this purpose, make the intent to be present in the now moment, the only real time, the time in which everything that you ever experience actually occurs.

The easiest and most effective way to enter into this state is through making the intent to quieten your minds, and to arrest the flow of thoughts by allowing them to flow through your minds without engaging with them.  This does take practice, and you need to practice daily.  Therefore, go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, and intend to open your hearts to the divine Embrace awaiting you there.

Choose to sit there in silent meditation, contemplation, or as you create a sound such as aum that you focus on by humming or singing, thus shutting out the distractions that tend to withdraw you from that place of deep peace.  That place of deep peace is always within you, so learn to find it through regular practice, and delight in the peace and joy that it brings you.

With so very much love, Saul.

6 thoughts on “As pure Consciousness there are no needs

  1. I’d like to add that while I am clearly a minority voice I am not alone in my view. The Cathars favored an end to the creation of babies as they viewed this world as a hell hole ruled by a tyrant-god. These views got them exterminated by the Catholic Church. Also, the revolt of the angels is naturally characterized as being a result of their jealousy of God, but another interpretation is that they saw that the emperor had no clothes and was either insane, unethical or simply a failure.
    I recognize that protest has the opposite outcome from the one expected. In other words, war protesters are responsible for the next war because the vibration they radiate is the feeling of comradery, righteousness and underdog status. The echo aspect of the universe, which can’t hear the word no, sends them another war to relive their feelings of protest. However, I raise my voice not in protest but in recognition. I don’t vote or serve on juries, but this is not a protest on my part. I simply want nothing to do with miserable dysfunctional systems whose outcomes are the opposite of what they purport to be. Likewise, the supposed upside to our suffering, faith and hope looks simply like another miserable dysfunctional system with false promises. A universe that smiles fondly upon me as long as I worship or feel gratitude towards it is simply a deal with the devil I am unwilling to make. Protesting would accomplish nothing; the downside is in not participating. I do so not in protest, but in disinterest with the deal.

  2. “…the divine Will is always achieved.” ? So this progenitor is behind the nightmare that comprises all of known history to the present? The progenitor is a either a baffoon or a simple gangster. I never cared for pep rallies in high school. As time goes by they only become more absurd.

      1. Like Gregg Braden, the most popular of the regurgitators, this piece only rearranges the memes they have collected; it’s akin to reconfiguring chairs on the Titanic. Words have proven to be the downfall of Humans. The prestidigitators use them to hide things and misdirect the hopeful. The creation of a thing is also the creation of its opposite. Action without this awareness is folly.

  3. Such soul-filled words of truth! Bless you John; bless me, for I AM another YOU; and, bless all that BE, for we all are ONE through eternity. ((( <3 )))

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