The Little Things

The Little ThingsDavid R. Hamilton, Ph.D. – You know, when you zoom out and look at life, it’s easy to get caught up in the big stuff. Major milestones, huge decisions, the big “aha!” moments.

I’ve been thinking about this recently as I’ve been working on my next book. I found myself reflecting on the day my first book was published.

While the actual publication itself was exciting, there were millions of moments before it. Writing in the middle of the night (for a while it was the only time I could find), how my partner and my family supported me writing it, the feedback I received from friends in my early drafts, the days spent editing, the highs and lows, rejections from publishers, writing in coffee shops, writing in the park when it was sunny, and much more.

It’s so easy to focus on the seemingly big stuff in life, but it’s the little things that matter most.

Take, for instance, the small gestures we experience every day. A friend giving you a gentle pat on the back, that smile you share with someone in passing, when someone unexpectedly pays for your coffee, or a FaceTime from a family member just to say Hello. On their own, they might not seem like much, but when you pile them all up, these are the things that warm our hearts and make our memories.

And let’s not forget how the tiniest things can just make your day. The smell of coffee brewing when you wake up (well, it does it for me at least), birds putting on a morning concert, the feel of your favourite old book in your hands, or a dog licking your face to tell you it’s time to get up.

A moment ago, as I wrote that last sentence, my dog, Daisy, made a little whine, which is her way of saying, “Daddy, rub my tummy.” So I did. Maybe she sensed I was thinking about her. It’s these details that add a touch of colour and joy to our daily grind.

I find that by really tuning into these small moments, I start to see the world a bit differently. I feel more gratitude for my life and for the people who I share it with. It’s suddenly seeing the world in fine HD instead of the grainy SD when we’re only looking at the bigger things.

Paying attention to all the little wonders that usually zoom past makes life richer and more fun.

So, while the big moments have their spotlight and are important, let’s not forget that it’s those day-to-day tidbits that make life genuinely beautiful. They remind us that we’re all in this together, and that there’s beauty in the seemingly ordinary.

Let’s cherish the little things a bit more, shall we?

SF Source David Hamilton Sep 2023

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