The Men Who Know – Apollo 14

Earth-Keeper Chronicles | February 21 2013

Most who speak on the alien issue are dismissed. But not all ! Of the more than 6 billion people in the world, only 12 have ever set foot on the moon, providing them the unique opportunity to peer at the Earth from hundreds of thousands of miles away.

For many of the moonwalkers , the experience appears to have profoundly changed them. The select group has returned to regular life and dispersed into a wide array of vastly different life paths & careers, spiritual and philosophical leanings, and apparent different perceptions of the world they temporarily gazed at from space. Interestingly almost all of them now believe in extra terrestrial life, but not all of them are willing to elaborate. Not surprising.

But there are a few exceptions…

ABC News Photo Illustration – Former astronaut Edgar Mitchell says aliens exist. Did his journey to space influence him?

One is world famous NASA astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell, a member of the Apollo 14 mission that landed on the moon in 1971. He has repeatedly put himself ‘out on a limb’ and courageously elaborated over the past years on his adamant opinions on life in universe, arguing that ET’s absolutely exist and that alien visits to Earth have been covered up by governments for more than 60 years.

“I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomenon is real,” Mitchell said on Britain’s Kerrang Radio.

“It has been covered up by governments for quite some time now,” added Mitchell, who grew up in Roswell, N.M., the location of the controversial 1947 incident in which some believe the U.S. military covered up the crash scene of an alien spacecraft.

Dr Mitchell, 82 years of age, is no longer intimidated by speaking out. He says extra-terrestrials have visited Earth on several occasions – but the alien contact has been repeatedly covered up by governments for six decades. Dr Mitchell said during a radio interview that sources at the space agency who had had contact with aliens described the beings as ‘little people who look strange to us.’ He said supposedly real-life ET’s were similar to the traditional image of a small frame, large eyes and head. Mitchell claimed our technology is “not nearly as sophisticated” as theirs and “had they been hostile”, he warned “we would be been gone by now”.

He says he’s been inside the upper echelons of the Pentagon military circles and they know we’ve been visited and talk about it behind closed doors.He says he’s been involved in certain research committees and knows people who know the real story. There is quite a bit of contact going on. Mitchell reinserted that the infamous Roswell incident was absolutely real., and that he was given derails about this from numerous credible eye witnesses. Dr Mitchell says at this point in his life he is no longer concerned about his safety in talking about it openly. He added that some others involved in the Moon landing also know the truth.

The program host made the point that this is the first time Edgar has stated so clearly that ET life exists and UFOs are real. Mitchell replied that the ones that ‘know’ just hint at it, because of retribution and loss of credibility from government denial.

Other moon-walkers re not as prepared to say the governments is hiding the facts. They have admitted to changing their views on ET existence after being launched into outer space. The moon walks certainly changed all of their lives, some becoming far more open-minded about the possibility of extraterrestrial life, others more spiritual, and some choosing to change career paths all together.

It has been suggested that NASA has covered up evidence of encounters that the astronauts experienced in space and on the moon. NASA denies it profusely. But some are beginning to speak out, not with precise information, rather with absolutely ‘belief’ in ET Life.

It has been suggested that NASA as a department of the defense in the USA, signed the astronauts to government security secrecy agreements that prevent disclosure.

Mitchell said he was never threatened, but his credibility has been attacked. “I do know others who were threatened”, he said. ” I’m probably too old and too high profile for that to happen at this stage.”

Alan Bean, who flew the second moon landing on Apollo 12 in 1967, became an artist & painter after returning to Earth.

Speaking in British filmmaker David Signton’s 2007 documentary “In the Shadow of the Moon,” astronaut Gene Cernan, who made the last moon-landing in 1972, said he became a believer in the idea of a greater power after traveling to outer space. “I felt that the world was just too beautiful to have happened by accident. There has to be something bigger than you and bigger than me,” said Cernan in the documentary.

“And I mean this in a spiritual sense, not a religious sense,” said Cernan. “There has to be a creator of the universe who stands above the religions that we ourselves create to govern our lives.”

Perhaps the saddest transformation was that of Buzz Aldrin, who made the first moon landing with Neil Armstrong in 1969, and later suffered from severe depression and alcoholism. Although Aldrin denies any admission, it was reported he spoke of seeing alien craft while in space. Space historians and other former astronauts told that while Aldren’s case may be extreme, those who travel into the galaxy sometimes return with an altered view of the universe , and perhaps even about extra terrestrials. Numerous reports suggest the astronauts saw structures on the moon and even were viewed by observing craft. Russia claims to have intercepted radio transmission to this effect, that were blacked out by NASA from public audio.

Space Travels Changes Astronauts Perspectives

“There is evidence that astronauts are changed by going into space,” said Mike Neufeld, the chair of the space history division at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C.

Neufeld noted that while Dr Mitchell’s outspoken comments & belief in extra-terrestrial life have certainly come to public notice over the years, the agency has no hidden data.

“NASA is not involved in any sort of cover-up about alien life on this planet or anywhere else in the universe,” NASA Headquarters spokesman David Steitz said today. “Dr. Mitchell is a great American, but we do not agree with or share his opinions on this issue.”

For Mitchell, the four decades back on Earth have done nothing to sway his belief in extraterrestrial life among the stars. “There’s no question at all that there’s life throughout the universe , We’re not alone in the universel,” he said l “It is a very real phenomenon.”

Dr Edgar Mitchell Interview with FOX News

More From Dr Mitchell

ABC News: Dr Edgar Mitchell, renown Apollo 14 veteran said that the U.S. government has had ET contact for more than 60 years. He stated that while he had not personally seen the extra terrestrial beings, he knows people of absolute credibility that have. Some are high ranking Pentagon officials, who will not and cannot come forward. When asked about government disclosure he said, he didn’t think it would be forthcoming anytime soon.

” Unfortunately, most of you in the press show no real interest whatsoever. The giggle sensation and ridicule factor has been too high, too many eyebrows get raised . But the science behind it, the research behind it, and the evidence of it among the people I know is very real and totally accepted. It’s factual.” Mitchell said.

Mitchell added, “Military pilots, airline pilots from all over the world, for 50 years, have reported these things, but they’ve quit because they’re told to shut up and not talk about it by military and intelligence people. Some are threatened, others debunked and made to look silly.” Mitchell said.

“I’ve been saying the same damn words for 10 years, almost verbatim, and all of a sudden, here I’m global news,” he said. “It’s incredibly naive to think that we are the only intelligent, living system in the universe. That’s not credible anymore, and there are more and more people that realize it. The ones that come out are ridiculed, you pay a price for speaking out, one way or another. But I know the truth of what I am saying.”

Mitchell told the St. Petersburg Times that a “cabal of insiders” in the U.S. government were in the know and and that this ‘hidden’ insider group had stopped briefing U.S. Presidents after John F. Kennedy .

3 thoughts on “The Men Who Know – Apollo 14

    1. Well, there is definitely a tendency for humans to worship beings unlike themselves, and there is clear evidence of ET worship in cultures around the world. I’m not sure about the Christian religion. I think they went to great lengths to make Jesus a human baby born in distressed circumstances. I think Zoroaster and Muhammad are also of human origin. However, there are many ET overtones even within these religions (angelic visitations and the like). Blessings, g

  1. Im a believer for real ! We are not alone and we never were. We are a distinct human species that inhabit earth. There are others out there !!!

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