The Stairway to Success: 5 Mental Barriers That Prevent You from Reaching Your Goals

life goals

The vast majority of us have a number of life goals and aspirations that we want to achieve but far too few of us seem to be able to reach out and grab the opportunity or feel that something is holding them back.

If you find that you are struggling to get where you want to be it could be that there are some mental hurdles that you need to negotiate to set you on the path to success.

You can gain some spiritual inspiration when you watch videos at, for example, and you could also look at addressing some of the fundamental reasons why you seem unable to take a significant step forward with your plans.

Here is a look at some of the barriers that might be holding you back.

The pursuit of perfection

A big issue for many of us is the need to get everything to align perfectly in order to be able to feel that you can take a big leap forward with the next chapter of your life.

A good example would be when you want to take your career to the next level but decided to hold out for the right job to come along before handing your notice to quit to your current employer.

The problem comes when you seem to be waiting for the perfect job and in the meantime, you carry on feeling deeply unfulfilled in your present role.

It makes sense to have something else lined up before you quit if you need to pay bills but it is also a lot easier to find your perfect job if you keep moving forward with your career and taking small steps rather than a giant leap.

Seeking the approval of others

Another common reason for not achieving your dreams is when you care too deeply about what others think.

It is not unusual to feel that you need to seek out the approval of those around you as some form of confirmation that you are doing the right thing and these feelings are deeprooted in many of us from childhood.

If someone you care about does not approve of your plans at first, if they want you to be happy and care about you they will more likely come around to the idea in the end.

In reality, the only person whose opinion really matters is yours and seeking the approval of others is no bad thing to sound out their thoughts, but it shouldn’t prevent you from putting your plans into action.

Making comparisons

We are all uniquely individual and that is why comparing your life and achievements against others is a pointless exercise and likely to hold you back.

It is a regular behavior amongst many of us to compare what we have and where we are in life to other people we meet and know but the negative emotions attached to this thought process can be a real barrier to success.

Seeing that someone seems to be achieving more than you in their life can instill a sense of fear that you are doing something wrong or you are not good enough to do any better.

It is much better to set your own goals and avoid wasting emotional energy on making pointless comparisons.

Face your fears

If you decide to quit your job or start a new business venture, for instance, you are bound to experience a certain amount of fear and uncertainty.

Fear of failure is one of the biggest issues that tend to hold people back in their lives.

Yes, the business could fail or that new job might not work out as well as you hoped but by adopting a positive mental attitude and giving it a go rather than worrying about failing it should give you the mental strength to pick yourself up and go again.

On the other hand, if everything goes well, you will find yourself wondering what you were so fearful about in the first place.

It always pays to play the long game

It would be fair to say that we live in a world of instant gratification these days and that means many of us to expect something to happen straight away, worrying too much when it doesn’t.

If you start a new chapter in your personal or working life you may well feel anxious when things are not going to plan as quickly as you hoped or expected and those feelings of impatience can actually hold you back or cause you to not see a plan through to the end.

It can take time to get where you want to be or to reach some of your goals and the best way to banish any impatient feelings or frustrations is to take your journey one step at a time.

Trying to achieve everything too quickly can lead you to feel like you are failing altogether, whereas, breaking down your goals into bite-sized chunks and mini-milestones will inspire you to keep pushing toward that end goal.

Some people don’t have the same mental blocks and barriers in their heads that others feel and it can be frustrating to see someone else going through their life with almost a total lack of fear of failure.

Even if you can’t achieve that level of mental toughness yourself there is no reason why you can’t adopt a different attitude to risk and failure so that you manage to overcome the mental barriers that may be holding you back.

There is no question that achieving your dreams and goals takes a great deal of mental fortitude and courage but you can find that within you if you know how to draw it out and use it your advantage to get to where you want to be in your life.

Don’t talk yourself out of doing something positive, instead, train your brain to work with you and banish those negative thoughts that can prevent you from achieving your full potential.

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