The theme for November 2023 is “Right Action”

The theme for November 2023 is “Right Action”Lena Stevens – What is right action?

Right action IS acting from a place of being neutrally proactive based on personal truth, desire and authentic motivation. Right action is NOT acting from a place of reaction, resistance, judgment, fear, anxiety, panic, or fueled by any of the obstacles (s lf-destruction, greed, martyrdom, impatience, arrogance, self-deprecation, stubbornness)

As we feel and think our way through the debris of what was stirred up in our lives during the last eclipse cycle, we are motivated to act toward change, personal growth and evolution and there is plenty of fiery energy pushing us to move forward.

This energy can be harnessed positively to support you, or it can derail your good intentions if it goes in the direction of impulsive aggression, jumping into situations before thinking them through, or acting out from a negative place.

It is also important to be aware of potential projections from others as well as your own potential projections when you come from a place of reaction.

Overall, it is a good month to practice not taking things personally and keeping good boundaries around your own process. Be compassionate with others always coming from a place of kindness but stay in your own lane as much as possible.

Creating space for right action to be clear is important as well as honoring right timing for change to manifest. Right action will always lead to the right outcome, so if you are hitting a wall of obstacles, you need to re-evaluate your motivation and wait for more clarity.

There is also a big theme this month of keeping a “don’t know mind”. The times are volatile, unstable, elastic, uncertain, unpredictable, unexpected and impulsive. There is tension created by not knowing and feeling uncertain. The key is to become more comfortable with not knowing and to deepen your trust that clarity will come and action will follow. There is a need to manage stress and to keep yourself in balance especially during the first couple of weeks of this month as scattered energy from recent upheavals are finding a new pattern and alignment. So, if a direction is still unclear, wait and be patient. Stay present, do your practices and take baby steps of right action as they become clear. When in doubt, focus on the mundane acts of living, taking care of your body and your environment, and staying out of impatience and resistance as much as possible.

We have entered a new cycle that points to many lessons as well as a lot of support in the area of balance especially between the masculine and the feminine, doing and being, managing the external environment and nurturing your inner intuitive knowing. The right action of the month will require balance as well as discipline. Because of the intensity of change at this time, welcome anything that is new and be receptive to experiences and people that may offer a different opportunity than before.

How the month shows up:

You Personally

This is a huge month of personal growth and evolution. Because of the action component, you have the opportunity to move into new directions, new expressions of self, new relationships and action steps to begin manifesting new ideas and projects. Internal questioning, a bit of confusion and uncertainty and a true desire to improve and evolve are all part of the picture this month.

Remember to keep a “don’t know mind” especially around situations you know need to change but you don’t have clarity yet as to how.

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SF Source The Power Path Nov 2023

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