Trump supporters demand the election challenge

trumpSundance – Dinesh D’Souza points out: “the GOP establishment must recognize there is no way forward without the Trump voters, and the Trump voters demand a challenge of the election results.”  I would slightly disagree with the party linguistics, but essentially D’Souza has a point.  Unfortunately, the GOPe doesn’t care.

Also unfortunately the un-discussed aspect is the unity pact between both wings of the UniParty bird.  The GOP wants elimination of “Trump” supporters in exactly the same way the GOP wanted, and orchestrated, the elimination of the Tea Party.

If America-First or “MAGA” ideology is the Republican brand, that means the elimination (ie. lots of republicans being primaried) of tenured GOPe politicians.  As an outcome, “Trumpism” is a risk to their structural power.  The charge against the Tea Party was led by Republicans.  The same charge against Trump is led by Republicans.

SF Source The Conservative Treehouse Jan 2021

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