Oracle Report ~ Friday, April 8 – Saturday, April 9, 2016

“Magic Carpet In Santa Fe” – photographer Lana

New Moon in Taurus: begin, intend

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Chinnamasta, Goddess Who Expands the Mind

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Ian, God of the East, God of Energy Fields

Skill:  think before reacting; expect the unexpected

True Alignments:  no pressure, backing off when needed, true path, asserting, skills, thinking outside of the box, release, gaining ground, justice, self-defense, the awe of nature, surreal, romance, realizations, breaking illusions

Catalysts for Change:  restrictions and controls, power struggles, jealousy, wasting something, loss (particularly lost opportunities), domination, secrets, tricks with banking, false flags, avoidance, cutting off, undignified, hash judgment of self or others, giving up, fights/arguments/conflicts

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “the magic carpet of Oriental imagery” (transcendence)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the magic carpet of Oriental imagery” (transcendence)

Heavy-hitting energetics continue during this New Moon phase, and want to be aware of them.  I am combining Friday and Saturday’s reports for the full breadth and scope (and so you don’t miss it if you tend to skip reading on the weekends).

On Saturday, the Sun moves to 21 Aries, the Eris Point — the degree where the planet was located when it was discovered.  Longtime readers of OR remember that the Sabian symbol for this degree is “a boxer entering a ring.”  The Sun is conjunct Uranus with this, so the effects will begin to be felt today.

The “inner rebel” in us comes out when the Sun reaches the Eris Point.  We tend to want to throw off restrictions, limitations, anything that or anyone who wants to control us, and things that we feel are unjust.  Hair-trigger reactions are common.  All kinds of things – words, fists, rules – fly.

The highest octave or highest expression of the energetic is rebirth or resurrection.  Is something trying to be reborn or resurrected for you?

The Sun will conjunct Uranus at the Eris Point Saturday at 7:06 pm ET/Sunday 11:06 am UT.  Since Uranus is in  play, it brings its specialties of surprises, shocks, and sudden changes.  The rate of accidents increases when planets aspect Uranus, so don’t take unnecessary risks or chances.  Double check electrical devices and candles or fires.  Drive with care.

Uranus rules electricity and it feels like “lightning” in the body.  Levels of anxiety increase.  Uranus rules all things “weird” or “eccentric” so these days may have this quality.  Uranus will bend things and twist them up in order to affect changes that put us in alignment with our proper course.  Uranus puts things right.  My teacher always says, “Uranus saves us by our rejections.”  It ALWAYS has our highest and best interests in mind.  Sometimes it takes some time for the “silver lining” of things to show up.  But they always do.

Uranus is predictable only in its unpredictability.  So there is only so much we can foresee.  Uranus has its own ideas.

There is a second potent dynamic in effect also: The Moon makes conjunction with Mercury close to the Chiron Point (degree of wounding, healing, and teaching) on Friday (exact conjunction at 9:41 am ET/2:41 pm UT).  The conjunction occurs one degree off of the Chiron Point at the degree of “a widow at an open grave.” 

The Chiron energetic naturally addresses pain.  The degree of “a widow at an open grave” often brings up exceptionally deep pain – an “open wound.”.  We can feel a “void” inside, which tends to make us seek in-filling (something that will fill the void).  Issues with grief or loss are felt sharply.  Ultimately, this energy seeks to remove something that hinders us.

We see that the activation of the Eris Point to throw off restrictions is much like the Moon-Mercury conjunction near the Chiron Point activating the removal of “blocks” (things that are blocking our growth).

Still, it’s a lot of strong energy.

Relationship issues are highlighted with all of this.  Eris rules love that is true, not superficial.  On Friday, Venus, the planet traditionally associated with love and romance, discharges the energetic of “two lovers strolling through a secluded walk.”  Sore spots in relationships surface, but so do bright and happy spots.

When the Eris Point is activated, we always keep our eyes wide open.  Since we know there could be some things coming from left field, we are not totally blindsided.

The magic carpet ride of this year is starting off with a punch.  What will it bring us these two days?

Thank you for supporting the Oracle Report – Laura Walker

“End the drama. Return to ease. I broker no interference. No weapon, thought, or word formed against me shall prosper. My brothers stand around me and my sisters are within me. Wisdom, let me attend.” — Mantra for the Defense Against Archontic Intrusion.

SF Source The Oracle Report

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