Pope Francis and Angela Merkel: Enemies of European Civilization

 Katherine Frisk Most people think I am nuts when I say this, They simply cannot and do not want to believe it let alone consider it.

For the last 1,000 years, the Vatican has been living high on the hog of Western Nations, today extending internationally, through their self-decreed Papal Bulls that declare that the Pope owns the planet, all bodies on the planet and all souls. This is the basis for the New World Order and a One World Government. The fact that Jesus turned the devil down when given the same offer, alludes them.

Who is the Vatican? The people who own and control the Vatican are the Black Nobility of Europe, the Zionists and the Muslim Brotherhood.

vaticanThe Jesuits are their foot soldiers and their intelligence network. Today both the black pope and the white pope are Jesuits. Jesuits are not only part of a celibate order, but are scientists, university professors, bankers, media moguls, part of all religious groups that they have infiltrated and politicians to name a few.  Joe Biden is a Jesuit. So is Mike Pence.

Jesuits are also in intelligence agencies such as the CIA and it is not beneath them to run narcotics operations and support terrorists to achieve their aims of world-wide domination. Many live seemingly “normal” lives. The Knights of Malta, not to be confused with the Knights Templar, are also part of their secret societies and political extensions, as are the Illuminati which was founded by a Jesuit.

Up until the Gutenberg Press, the Protestant Reformation and the concept of Nation States the Vatican and the Black Nobility  got away with imposing a  feudal system on Europe. When their autonomy began to decline they came up with some new schemes to rob nations blind and keep them subservient. With the help of third-parties, the Rothschilds, later Jacob Schiff, the Morgans, Astors, Rockefellers et al, they imposed the central banking system on all nations.

Along with the dollar as the international reserve currency since the end of WW2, the BIS, IMF, World Bank, US Treasuries and the petro dollar, the Vatican has robbed the world blind and tax revenues that should have been going for the benefit of the people who pay those taxes have ended up in Vatican coffers where the Vatican bank has been the private bank of all the elites who control it. If you have not done so already please watch: Confessions Of An Economic Hitman      As one example of many.

A feudal system is not that much different from communism or the current scourge, a corporate fascist system along with the implementation of policies such as the TTP and the TTIP agreements. To get an idea of how corrupt the system is, please listen to Still Report 80 Prof. Jeffrey Sachs 2. “Emerging economies” should pay special attention at approximately 7. 40 mins

What have they done with all this money? Over and above the Vatican having major shareholding in the BIS, IMF, World Bank and the central banking system, they also have shareholding in the big players. It is not for nothing that Goldman Sachs, advisor to the Vatican Bank calls itself “God’s Banker,” and that they “rule the world.” The Vatican also has major shareholding in the military industrial complex (Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Halliburton,)  major corporations that can all be traced back to the 50 companies that rule the world and… geo-egineering companies. After all, it is not only he who controls the money that rules the world, but also he who controls the weather. If you have not seen it, please watch: Frankenskies Full Length Documentary 

vaticanClimate Change and Global warming is another scam in order to fleece all  nations of the world and implement Carbon tax. Selling a Mass so that your dearly beloved departed one does not go hell no longer works in the modern world, nobody believes it anymore. Burning the non-compliant at the stake as they did during the Inquisition is bad for their public image. So they have had to get more ingenious as the centuries have gone by. The next agenda will be total weather control and your tax money will go to pay for it, no doubt at 1,000 % above cost price.

As for destroying the middle class world-wide and good old-fashioned Protestant  and Orthodox Christian Apostolic and Federated principles of self-determination spiritually, economically and politically, they are successfully using illegal immigration to their benefit in order to create a larger peasant class in North America, Europe and in every nation on earth. Which is why in spite of all their obnoxious wealth, they are so attached to the “poor.”

Without the “poor” they would have nobody to control and have power over! This is in keeping with the feudal system and today’s spin-off, corporate fascism. They have no allegiance to anyone except themselves and global domination hiding behind proxies of all races, nationalities and religions (include New Age junkies.) If people like Franco, Stalin, Videla, Pinochett. Clive Derby Lewis and Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe were and are Jesuits, then who else is a Jesuit cutout? Kim Jong-un?

This article by  Antonius Aquinas highlights only some aspects of the more recent agenda that is playing out on the world stage. Unless we wake up to their schemes and who exactly is behind our present and future enslavement,  their is no hope for a truly peaceful and equitable world that is not controlled by a handful of elites, and I would like to add, pedophile Lucifarean criminals.

Article – Pope Francis and Angela Merkel: Enemies of European Civilization

SF Source The International Reporter Jun 2017

2 thoughts on “Pope Francis and Angela Merkel: Enemies of European Civilization

  1. It’s always amazing about how corrupt and degenerate world leaders can be and the public is enthralled by the fake images they have created. Merkel is a classic example as she is reputed to be Hitler’s daughter via Eva Braun as Hitler supposed died in South America in 63-64

    1. Hi Alan! Yep! They are a corrupt bunch. Francis the Fraud is a particularly bad blend of Jesuit and Pope. Jesuits were NEVER supposed to be elected to the Papacy. They are the military branch of the church. As for Merkel, her agenda is clearly the destruction of Europe for Europeans. What a travesty!

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