Ways To Stay In Touch With Your Spiritual Self

spiritual selfStaying in touch with yourself spiritually and emotionally can be difficult at times, especially in such a busy and hectic world. Stresses from work and home life can sometimes become overwhelming and can cause your spiritual and mental health to go on the back burner. Try to avoid allowing this to happen by staying present at all times. Here are 4 tips to help you do that.

Do Check-Ins With Yourself

Doing daily or weekly check-ins with yourself to see where you’re at and make sure you are doing alright is a great way to keep in touch with your inner self and stay on top of your mental health. This way, if things start to slip you will notice this change quickly rather than letting it go on for a long time.

Change Your Surroundings

If you start to feel that you are not staying in touch with the deepest parts of your spiritual self or staying true to who you are, take a hard look around you and at your life and see if some major changes need to be made. Sometimes just moving and changing your surroundings can be just what you need to get back and track and feel like your best spiritual self again.

Consider bringing this up with your partner if you have one or talk to a realtor to see if selling your home quickly may be an option for you so that you can move to a new place, perhaps more out in nature, where you will be more fulfilled.


This may seem like an obvious tip and it may be something you already do regularly, but if not don’t forget that meditating is a great way to really feel spiritually well. Try to do it daily or just whenever you are feeling a bit off and you will start to feel major shifts in all aspects of your life. If you are.

Someone who has trouble turning off your mind and meditating successfully, there are many apps you can download or people who teach classes on how to do it better. You may even consider attending a meditation retreat if you are feeling really off. Making a commitment to yourself to do something like this can really pay off in the long term.

Cut Out Toxic People

Stop allowing toxic people into your life and if any are still around, don’t be afraid to cut them out. They are not ever going to help you become your best spiritual self and in fact may be what’s holding you back. Look out for yourself first and stop making excuses for others.

Staying in touch with your best spiritual self starts from within. Only you know what’s best for you and your highest version of self, but hopefully these tips are of use to you!

Shift Frequency © 2021 – Ways To Stay In Touch
With Your Spiritual Self

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