What A Paul Craig Roberts Administration Would Look Like

Paul Craig Roberts | November 9 2012

Bradley ManningUnless I am being spoofed, several hundred readers wrote me in as their selection for President. I am honored. Some asked if I were elected by write-ins and not instantly assassinated, who would I appoint?

An easy question to answer.

Nomi Prins would be Secretary of the Treasury, and Pam Martens would be Deputy Secretary of the Treasury.

Lew Rockwell would be the chairman of the Federal Reserve.

Michael Hudson would be chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors.

Harvey Silverglate would be Attorney General.

Glenn Greenwald would be Deputy Attorney General.

Dean Booth and Larry Stratton would be White House legal counsels.

Willie Nelson would be Secretary of Agriculture.

Jeffrey St. Clair would be head of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Elizabeth Warren would have whatever post she wants.

Cynthia McKinney would be Secretary of State.

The CIA would be headed by Ray McGovern and Philip Giraldi.

The FBI would be headed by Sibel Edmonds.

Homeland Security would be abolished.

David Ray Griffin and Richard Gage would head the 9/11 investigation.

Bradley Manning would be in charge of closing down the torture prisons.

Julian Assange and John Pilger would be heads of the Public Broadcasting Corporation.

Gerald Celente would be White House Press Secretary.

John Williams (shadowstats.com) would be in charge of federal statistics.

Key members of the Bush and Obama regimes from the president down, and every neoconservative would be handed over to the war crimes tribunal for trial.

The Republicans on the Supreme Court would be impeached and removed from office.

Brooksley Born would be in charge of all federal financial regulatory agencies.

Major General Antonio Mario Taguba would be Secretary of Defense.

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson would be Deputy Secretary of State.

Ron Unz would be chief of staff of the White House.

Norman Finkelstein would be US Ambassador to Israel.

Noam Chomsky would be US Ambassador to the UN.

David M. Walker would be Director of the Office of Management and Budget.

The Israel Lobby would have to register as a foreign agent.

I could go on. There are two or three hundred appointments to fill, but I think the picture is clear. It would be an administration that represented Americans, not special interests and foreigners, and an administration that put the country back in order.

But, of course, it is all a dream. No one who actually cares about our country is permitted to serve in public office.

7 thoughts on “What A Paul Craig Roberts Administration Would Look Like

    1. Hi Clifton! Great question. I think Paul says there were tons of additional appointments to make. However, he may have taken Ron at his word when Ron said if he didn’t win his bid for the Presidency he would be stepping away from politics. Blessings. G

    1. Hi June! I don’t it’s the FED that’s the problem. I think the fact that it is PRIVATELY OWNED is the problem. Ditch the profit motive and the Reserve is already set up to manage money releases nicely. Blessings, G

  1. Wow, that is definitely a dream-team administration, except I didn’t see Ron Paul (but I suppose he is ready for retirement). I want to live in that America!

    1. Me, too. I didn’t notice the exclusion of Ron Paul until you mentioned it. It was such a great list of names I didn’t catch the subtleties of who he left off. Great discovery, A.L.

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