When Life Throws You Curveballs …

When Life Throws You Curveballs ...Lorna Bevan – As July opens, many of us are feeling tired and wired due to the volatile and unpredictable conjunction of Venus, Mars and Black Moon Lilith in Leo at odds with Uranus in Taurus – the current tinderbox riots in France are just one manifestation.

Venus is going to be in this harsh aspect to Uranus all summer as she retrogrades for 7 weeks in Leo. Expect more wildfires as well as relationship and financial curveballs. Then factor in the karmic Nodes of Fate – eclipse bringers – exiting the Taurus/Scorpio axis on July 18 and activating the Aries/Libra axis for the next 18 months at odds with Pluto just as Venus disappears into the underworld. We are edge walking towards a very shadowy collective tipping point.

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At Monday’s Full Moon in cardinal Earth sign Capricorn ground yourself in your body and breath and build a safe container or sanctuary for your emotions. Without a grounded secure inner base camp, life becomes increasingly fragile.

Esoterically, hidden within the Cancer-Capricorn polarity is one of the deepest mysteries of all: the mystery of the great cycle of death and re-birth. There are two Great Gateways in the Zodiac: one is in Cancer, the other is in Capricorn.

Cancer is known as the “Gate In” and Capricorn is known as the “Gate Out”. Cancer is the gateway into human form, which is why this sign is associated with birth. Capricorn is the gateway into Spirit, which is why this sign is associated with discipleship. Honour your deepest, most irrational and intimate feelings.

This Full Moon forms a Grand Earth Trine to Jupiter in Taurus and Orcus in Virgo. Orcus is the guardian of the soul’s vows and promises. It forms a Kite pattern to the Sun in sensitive Water sign Cancer, diluting the unemotional bottom-line energy of the Capricorn Moon.

All the emphasis on practical Earth is a celestial nudge to:

take care of the basics, the essentials and the structures underpinning your life

clear your personal ecology- your energy signature, the magnetic Field that surrounds you, that you live from, draw on and co-create: your breath, your physicality, your food, your creativity, your health, your heart, your frequency

get away from your screens, out into nature, into greenery or water and boost your immune system

For life to flow, for you to thrive, to become truly anti-fragile, you need to clear your filters.

Chandra Symbol Full Moon CAPRICORN 11: A young boy joyously kisses a fat old lady.

“Polarities go against each other in order to find each other again. When they are still busy going against each other, they pull you apart. And this experience is so definitive, so intensive, and so traumatic that you learn to bring the polarities back together any way you can.

The journey to make this possible is an extensive one, because along the way you must mediate between discrimination and release.

You are walking a collective karmic edge between the old and the new, in which both of them must be honored in just the right ways.

Yet the work it takes to bring polarities together in fresh ways is monumental. And that work is utterly redemptive, of infinite meaning and scope, in opening doors and letting totality in by conviction, by affinity, and by surrender to the great inevitable.” Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

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SF Source Hare In The Moon Jul 2023

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