The Division Game and Spiritual Paradox

By a neutral observer neither democrat or republican.

Donald J TrumpJames Gilliland – Sadly, it is constantly brought to my attention by a few in the UFO and spiritual community that I should have an extreme hatred and disdain for Trump. These are leaders in the communities exhibiting behavior opposite of what they profess to stand for.

Many have fallen for social engineering basing their positions on what they have learned from corporate sponsored main stream news. Others have been played like a fiddle using their own unhealed patterns against them. The bad actors of the lame stream media with their faked outrage over made up stories to smear Trump as a racist male thug have no evidence, shoddy at best.

This is a global process-oriented therapy session and Trump is Daddy, exemplifying every man that ever harmed those that believe they are victims.

Most have not asked the elephant in the room question. If Trump is part of the deep state political tyranny, then why do they hate him and do everything to get rid of him? They lied about Russia, The Mueller probe was a bust. It actually exonerated Trump.  Avenatti the porn lawyer and Cohen were also a total fail. The lies and deceptions with his Supreme Court appointees failed.

In fact all 21 attempts to end his duly elected career as president have failed –  became nothing burgers and the main stream media knew it right out of the gate.

It was all lies and sensational lies sell. Why would a man give up his salary, a beautiful life free to go anywhere in the world to take on the pay for play crooked politicians and the deep state? Did he see where they were taking us, America for Sale? Was he aware of the plans of the global elite and was the military also aware of plans to take down America? What would drive a man to make such a sacrifice other than his deep love for America? Nothing else makes sense. He is not perfect. None of us are. He is a business man doing the best he can for America.

Now we have the impeachment attempt based on more lies proven by top bipartisan prosecutors after reading the transcript to have absolutely no foundation. Absolutely no laws were broken. Now they are saying we can’t have the whistle blower testify and give up his identity. Why? Because he has third hand knowledge, from second hand knowledge, just like the telephone game, met with Schiff previously and has extreme bias due to close ties to Biden.

I don’t know about you but when someone lies once I stop listening to them, twice I tell them you are insulting my intelligence, three times you have lost all credibility and you are wasting my time. If someone has blatantly lied 21 times why the hell is anyone listening to them.

Look at the family ties and off-camera behavior of these mainstream talking heads. This includes Hollywood. They take the moral high road yet off camera they are as immoral as one can get. If you do not agree with the socially programmed left you are chastised, judged, condemned, energetically slammed by forces totally contrary to everything they presumably stand for.

How does this extreme vitriol hatred fit into being enlightened? How can one profess to be awake and get in some cases violently triggered? I hear you just don’t understand. I say enlighten me followed by eerie silence then some vague reference to some unverified feigned outrage from CNN.

How do you validate judgment, condemnation, anger, hatred, even violence if you challenge their opinion. If you ask them on what do they base their opinion? Do they have any first-hand knowledge? All they can do is quote CNN or what a friend said CNN said.

Now there is an extremely biased track record of deception. When you ask are you aware of the bigger picture – just who are the swamp creatures with a track record of everything from Satanic, Luciferian connections, child sacrifice, trafficking of children and drugs across the border?

Ask why they do not want strict borders and the wall. These enlightened democrats and the left have done no research whatsoever.

Did you know drug lords like El Chapo testified in court that he donated millions to the very people spearheading the opposition to the wall? There are photographs of the very same people walking arm in arm with these drug lords.

Then there is the Clinton body count (or Arkancide), and pay to play – the real Russian collusion selling uranium to Russia.

Many of these people are Hillary supporters. Why? Because of gender, the right body parts. I am all for a council of grandmothers leading the country yet I am not even sure HRC is human.

Here is another reality check. Hilary’s mentor was Robert Byrd, a full fledged KKK member. Obama was at his funeral paying his respects. The KKK are democrats, always have been. Why are they accusing Trump of being KKK?  To cover their own KKK ties.

Everything they accuse Trump of they themselves are or have done ten-fold.

They are the hidden racists and colluders with foreign countries at the expense of the American people. The democrats in the past have voted against freeing the slaves, equal rights for slaves and women including voting against the women’s right to vote. Yet the women’s movements, feminist and the pink hat movement are mostly democrats.


And how about Hillary’s enabling and defending of Bill’s predatory behavior, best friends with Harvey Weinstein then claims to be a champion for women?  This is social programming at its best. It is like an epidemic of Stockholm’s Syndrome mixed in with terminal cognitive dissonance. Might want to google Candice Owens for a dose of black history and getting off the plantation.

Who is behind this far left movement to destroy the family unit, create division between races, and genders?

Who is creating a nation of victims?

Who is funding this massive social engineering program?

Do you ever hear anything about love, joy, peace, cooperation, unity consciousness from any of these groups?

I see the brainwashed children screaming and crying we are all going to die in 12 years. Where is the data to support this? Why are their parents and the children themselves wearing Antifa shirts? An anti-Nazi and Fascist group funded by an admitted Nazi, acting like fascists violently opposing anyone with a different opinion.

The real thugs, racists, and violence is coming from the left. The violence in Minnesota is a perfect example of the violent left. The climate scientists they quote have all refuted the 12 year catastrophe program yet politicians and schools are still promoting it. Global warming is a myth, the raw data shows the planet and its oceans are actually cooling ending the peak warming cycle from the last ice age.

Humans produce less than three percent of the carbon dioxide, 97% is natural and carbon dioxide is .003% of the atmosphere. Do the math .03% of .003% is humanity’s contribution.  Although we need to move away from fossil fuels and bring in the alternative energy humanity is not the main driving force of Global Warming which is now global cooling if you use the raw data over the adjusted data.

CO2 levels have gone down when you look at the longer cycles and in ancient history far before SUVs we had higher levels. Acid rain was ten thousand times worse in ancient history, the polar bears are doing great numbers increasing and now they are finding vulcanism and solar cycles have more to do with CO2 and the ozone layers than anything else. So how are carbon credits going to the elite going to solve that problem?

Putting these screaming misled children on the stage is child abuse. Socialism as well will not solve our problems. When has socialism worked in the past? Centralizing the power and wealth in the hands of a few creates tyrants. Disarming the people gives the tyrants job security. Throughout history the vast majority of genocide in the millions was carried out by Socialist dictators.

Guess you didn’t think that give-away program through, nothing is free it comes from somewhere and when they take it from others and it runs out the riots and genocide begin? Socialist are generous with your money yet what about their money? The leaders of Socialist countries become fat while the people starve. Look at Venezuela. By the way the Nordic countries make it very clear they are not socialist. They are capitalist with different forms of social medicine and some pay 60% takes.

There are flaws with the past and present governing bodies that need addressing. The war and disease profiteers need to be reigned in. The real history of America and Earth need to be taught so as not to repeat the past injustices. The straying away from the Republic where the power remains with the individual is one of the root causes of today’s problems.

Mob rule is not the answer. Restoring the Republic with the Constitution as the supreme law of the land is the answer. Know the difference between a democracy and a republic. The power needs to remain with the people not centralized where it can and has been abused. The wealth as well. Freedom and Personal responsibility need to be first and foremost if we are going to move away from tyranny. Yes we need to take care of those less fortunate and assist them in rising to their highest potential yet socialism demotes the masses to their lowest potential. No incentive or personal responsibility.

There is a carefully orchestrated plan being carried out to destroy America. Those demanding socialism, those promoting the victim, those using the race and gender cards to sew division. Even environmental movements based on lies and deceptions are all being orchestrated by a global elite.

Follow the money

Who benefits from carbon tax? Where does the money go and who will control the industries of the world? Who wants socialism, the centralization of power and wealth so they can use that wealth and power to dominate and control the masses? Who already controls the media and who has declared war on our duly elected president? Who have direct ties to the global elite posing as journalist, news anchors, politicians, yes even actors.

Has Trump turned our economy around, done more for black and Hispanics than any other president? Has he been instrumental in stopping the drug and child trafficking, jailed more pedophiles and broken up international pedophile rings than any other president. Just recently 2100 children were freed by the military from underground bunkers. Is he working arduously to stop the opiate epidemic, the fentanyl, narcotics which have been extreme detriments to society? The wall is not to keep Mexicans out it is to stop the gangs, drug and child trafficking.

Mexicans can and still do enter legally. What is racist about protecting our borders like every other country? Has Trump signed major legislation to end the tyranny of big government and return the power to the people? Won’t hear about that on lame stream media.

What have the democrats with their deep state counterparts done other than spend millions on investigating fictitious charges in an attempted coup to take out a duly elected president?

If you are a democrat with any sense of right and wrong, an ounce of courage and integrity it is time to stand up against the extreme injustice and deception.

Whether you are a democrat or republican of which I am neither the extreme hatred by the global elite and their corporate sponsored media for President Trump is blatantly obvious.  Yet so many allow the lies, deceptions and what can only be called fake news to establish their opinion and belief.

They have become socially engineered puppets allowing their fear, wounds and traumas to be used against them completely absent of all critical thinking.   They worship their political, music and movie industry icons knowing nothing about who they really are. In fact the un-awakened let their icons tell them who they are as they strut and parade across the camera. This is spiritual, enlightened, awake? It is denial, spiritual ego at most, facebook spirituality, herd consciousness.

We must suspend all judgement, preconceived ideas, come back to the present moment and look at all of this with fresh eyes, the Buddha eyes of innocence. What is happening NOW?

Is there a multidimensional war unfolding?

Is there a higher consciousness, spiritual planes, ascended Masters, Saints, Sages, spiritually and Technologically advanced Off Worlders coming to assist Earth in her awakening and healing, ascension?

Is there a major planetary liberation underway?

Who are the ground crew?

Who are the white hats?

Who is aligned with Universal Law, Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All?

Who are in service to others and who are in self-service? Do their words match their deeds?

Who are asleep, muggles caught in reactionary mind?

Can you spiritually discern from the heart who is who? Who is creating division and who is creating unity?

The Republic and the Constitution with the Bill of Rights is the closest to Universal Law. Who is supporting them and who is tearing them down? Do you know the difference between Draconian Law, the old system, where it originated and Universal Law? Teach that in the schools.

The global elite, its corporate sponsored press, the deep state, drug and child traffickers, the pay for play corrupt politicians all hate our duly elected president. Why? Let’s not mention the socially engineered manipulated masses, some hate filled and violent ignorant of truth of what is truly unfolding. They blindly support their oppressors and war against the very people seen and unseen trying to free them.

There will be a split. Those who misuse technology, push transhumanism, desire to dominate, control and divide along with those who in ignorance serve them, the socially programmed. Then there are those who want to live a more spiritual life in harmony with each other and nature.

The self-serving and those in service to others. There are also those caught in the middle desiring one thing and doing everything opposite to get it. Love through hate, acceptance through non-acceptance, approval through non-approval of others. All to join the unconscious herd. What if one loved, accepted and approved of themselves? What if one was self-sufficient practiced personal responsibility?

The only power anyone has over you is because you want something from them.

What if it was all within? What if you found it from within practicing loving detachment?

What if you shifted from reactionary mind to creationary mind?

Remember being a Christ or a Buddha does not mean being a doormat. It means awaken and come from that awakened state in all that you do. Standing in your own divinity. Enlightenment means to be in knowledge of. All of it, both sides of the coin. There are positive and negative forces necessary for creation yet do not equate evil with negative. There is a difference. Feel and discern, then clear your space.

SF Source Eceti Oct 2019

2 thoughts on “The Division Game and Spiritual Paradox

  1. What a beautifully written and heartfelt account of the present state of things including the mindset necessary to manage the journey. Much thanks to James Gilliland and to you Gillian for sharing this gift.

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