“YOUTUBE Is Now Terminating Truth” – Ron Johnson [Video]

youtubeAlexandra Bruce – A funny thing happened after YouTube was founded. Whether foreseen or not, YouTube became a robust platform for dissident citizen media.

YouTube was fertile ground for citizen cynicism about 9/11, Neocons and their policy of Endless War; it was a place where everyday people awoke to Realpolitik.


Citizens posting and learning each other’s views in a relatively uncensored environment caused mass awareness to increase exponentially. It was rightly “credited” (or “blamed”) for Hillary Clinton’s upset failure in the 2016 US Presidential Election. In desperation, the Establishment chalked up this rising consciousness to “Fake News”.

Absurdly, they claimed that the increasing awareness of the people was a result of “Russian propaganda” and “Russian Bots”, as if branding it with hackneyed pejoratives from a bygone era would make it not be true that an increasing number of regular people do not like or trust their governments – and they definitely don’t believe that the Democrats are the “good guys”.

This growing group of regular people in America, in the West – and the world over are not “Fake News” and we are not “Russian Bots”. We are keenly aware of the degeneracy and corruption of our leaders and their Mainstream Media mouthpieces. They can call us whatever they want. Pronouncements from these shellacked minions have lacked the ring of truth…forever.

In the 1950s, innocent Left-leaning Americans, who wanted working people to be protected from the depredations of Corporatism, which is what the Left is the US is supposed to be about – but the furthest thing from the truth today were Blacklisted for imagined “Russkie” associations. How can the irony of this be lost on today’s so-called Left? How ironic can it get, that today’s Left are accusing their political enemies of Russian “entanglements”, at a time when Russia has long since ceased to be Communist – and as if the “Russkies” were anything other than a manufactured threat to begin with!

If these Think Tank idiots actually believe that labeling a growing majority of normal people as some kind of ridiculous “Red Menace” du jour rather than knowing us for the “normies” that we are, they need to find some honest work for a change. Time to grow out of that inane “Strategy of Tension” and to get real. I don’t like Lindsey Graham but he got it right when he said, “Russia has an economy the size of Italy.”

Ron Johnson joins Sean at the SGTreport to discuss the termination of his very popular YouTube channel, which was among dozens of leading Alternative News sites that were deleted in recent days without warning or recourse, due to (bogus) claims of “bullying.” These allegations are completely without merit, made under the guise of “protecting” victims of the Florida High School massacre and for the actual purpose of squelching a critical analysis of events.

Sustained repression of the truth will hopefully have a Streisand Effect and all attempts to obscure it will have the unintended consequence of publicizing it more widely.

It is the end of an era for Alternative News and the beginning of a new one – one that will necessarily take place away from YouTube.

SF Source Forbidden Knowledge TV Feb 2018

3 thoughts on ““YOUTUBE Is Now Terminating Truth” – Ron Johnson [Video]

  1. Absolutely agree @steve this is the perfect example of an Oxymoron i did not watch this video for exact same reasons, enough said.

  2. Good and important information in this article – HOWEVER…

    It’s pretty ironic, (even foolish?) that YouTube is chosen as the means to “deliver the truth” all the while saying “YouTube is terminating truth”. If the authors really believed what they were saying, wouldn’t they choose another method of broadcasting their video? Isn’t this a huge contradiction to their message?

    The information would be more effective and convincing, as well as lead by example by providing a video linked from another source without supporting and advertising YouTube while doing it. In fact I did not watch the video for this reason.

    1. Actually no. There is no “huge contradiction within their message.” I’d agree with your statement had they used the past tense and stated “YouTube HAS TERMINATED truth.” Obviously it is an on-going activity of “TERMINATING TRUTH” that the video focuses on and wishes to stop.

      I am very aware of what’s going on out there. My blog is being highly censored through means of algorithms purposely designed to reduce organic traffic to my blog and to completely shut down displays of articles with certain titles.


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