Sailing the Uncharted Cosmic Sea

changesZen Gardner – It struck me today how learning to handle these exciting new vibrations and cosmic changes is very much like learning to sail in uncharted waters. We really need to learn how to navigate these unknown waves and currents and be ready at the helm for the many fluctuations coming our way.

I’m also feeling sorry for the people who have no clue as to what’s going on.

To think there are so many who don’t even know there is a cosmic sea, never mind that there’s huge energetic wave changes reaching our planetary system that are about to rock their proverbial boats. I guess it’s like Plato’s cave analogy, only here it’s blind people in a boat who think all the world is the small structure and items they feel around them.

Stay on High Alert

There’s a lot of very interesting information available on this transition we’re going through with many interpretations, and some great advice on how to manage these vibrational changes. My personal take is to stay very alert and aware on every front, most of all of my thoughts and feelings, remaining the observer monitoring what’s going on within and without me.

Don’t ever forget, your very thoughts and feelings at times may not be your own but some morphed projection from this hyper-technological insane drive by the would be controllers to steer humanity as well. This is especially so when our guards are down.

For me that also means keeping abreast of the news, the real news. It’s watching for trends, not just in the NWO rollout or political news, but following earth and space changes is very important. How our planet and solar system are behaving is intrinsic to getting a deeper sense of the energetic changes we’re undergoing. Once you get a rounded picture of the current situation the dots connect.

But we have to keep at it, especially now.

Real information is everything. It’s our food. Either we’re getting the adulterated stuff or we’re getting real nourishment. It makes a world of difference in how we feel and think and affects the very course of our lives and hence the rest of humanity since we each affect it so profoundly. I avoid TV at any cost. It’s toxic and completely destructive. If there’s something worth watching you’ll find it on the net where you can be in control of it.

Even the animal channel has turned into a horror show. So called science history regurgitations are carefully manicured to misdirect and are lubricated by truths for easy assimilation into the collective mind. All deviously presented in a completely false construct of understanding.

Conscious, Observant Living Is A Must – Beware the Unconscious Crazies

Learning to listen to our hearts, our real consciousness that taps into the central Source, and observe from that point is the key. When things start to pick up more speed this will be more and more important when mental processes get more and more affected.

The mind is much like the computer that is susceptible to an EMP blast, a large electromagnetic pulse, the same kind that can stop your computer controlled car and shut down the grid. The heart, however, your conscious spirit, only revels in the additional energy and will never let you down!

Now that’s empowerment! But we have be careful.

Now I drive slower than I used to. I was a speed freak before I woke up, but afterwards had a drastic change into a slow, observant driver. And lately it got even slower. I mentioned to my dear wife we need to watch out for erratic behavior on the roads when we’re out, people are going to start unraveling before our eyes.

Sure enough, over the next 2 days we saw 3 accidents and had a car absolutely insanely cross an intersection well after the light turned red right in front of us. Completely strange. We’re going to see a lot of this type of thing, sorry to say.

Most people aren’t going to realize what’s going on and many will have psychotic type reactions to these vibrational changes. It’s not going to be pretty, like that veteran commercial pilot who went berserk recently. We can only imagine the effect it’s going to have on military personnel who are already drugged up.

Let’s hope they wake up and just quit. Same with all the zoot suits. There will be a lot of that too..people having major revelations and making life changing decisions. It’s gonna be a wild time!

Surf’s up!

Make Friends and Help Each Other

This has changed my life. Since my wake up I spend almost my full waking time on the internet. There is so much to learn and there are so many amazing wonderful people who have been researching and compiling empowering information I just don’t have time for anything else. I get my walk and take breaks but it’s my full time passion.

Contributing to this massive wake up is all that matters to me.

I’m a communicator. And I’m not afraid to ask questions, or to thank those who have contributed so much to this truth revolution. This has led to the best friendships of my life. I recently wrote how many of us seem to be alone when in reality we’re most likely where we’re supposed to be, yet we’re united in spirit.

I received many touching comments to that post as it apparently resonated with quite a few people. Many also said they don’t mind the isolation. That’s the world they work and learn best in, and I relate to that. Most of the people I correspond with are the same. We savor conscious awareness and spreading it. It’s an act of love that gives tremendous satisfaction that at least we’re doing what we can.

These friendships that have come with meeting fellow activists are the best. They’re almost like broadening your antenna array to where you can pick up clearer signals and bounce your “readings” off those you love and trust. So often a little inkling or sensation or an email and link from a friend can lead to new realms of understanding and even new researchers and whole areas you weren’t aware of and a fresh re-synthesizing of what you’ve come to learn.

It’s just fabulous.

But we have to reach out.

Conclusion – Activate or Else

These energetic changes are not the answer. We are the answer. Those they effect who in turn willingly transform and pass it on, helping others understand and utilize what’s going on are the answer.

You and me.

With or without these new energies our mission is the same. But what a great time to be alive as it appears we’re getting a boost…good for conscious humanity, but bad for the matrix whose minions are scared to death of what’s happening.

This is why the frantic implementation of the control system. Poor puny bastards. It’s like a bucket of water on a raging forest fire. Sorry guys, you already lost. You really think you can fight the Truth? C’mon.

But we do need to keep exposing them so others can see through their false projection and find Truth and Reality for themselves.

Sail On!

We’re sailing the cosmic sea, the wind is picking up, and it’s all hands on deck!

We’re here to act out our mission, however we’re each called. We can follow, we can lead. We can sit by the wayside.

I don’t personally condone non-action in the least. We need to be conscious responders. Not inexcusable idiots. That’s thoroughly pathetic. I think we’ve all been through enough of that..and so have the enslaved.

Raise your voice. Yes yours.

Radiate the change any way you can!

Love, Zen

Originally published April 2012 – It’s as true now as it was then. – Gillian

SF Source Zen Gardner April 6 2012

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5 thoughts on “Sailing the Uncharted Cosmic Sea

  1. Just wonderful Super article :o) …. Shiftfrequency is my most favourite site to follow at the moment, I do all my writing on face Book for the moment (will be setting up my blog sooon!) but i spread your links and Shift frequency to thousands of Parisians everyday!! This article is splendid! must drive today and I am also unable to drive fast any more and can no longer do the mindless oneway robotic moterway bit, so take the long routes always!! LOVE & Thx’s Victoria

    1. Thanks very much for your kind comments, Victoria. I really appreciate hearing that SF is providing valuable content to its readership, and I’m DELIGHTED that you share links from the blog on your FB page. Thank you very much for doing so. Have a blessed and wonder-filled Easter! ~G

    1. Thanks for commenting, Shannon. I thought this a powerful, insightful article and am glad Vk brought it to my attention. I’ll check out your blog. Thanks for sharing. Blessings ~G

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