A Journey of Unity Consciousness and Spiritual Enlightenment

A Journey of Unity Consciousness and Spiritual EnlightenmentRonna Vezane – Much has transpired and my “Picture of Reality” has changed drastically since the incident with Lady Faith in early July, 2022: I got up at 6:00 AM after a quite restless, uncomfortable night.

As usual, I went into my dressing room and sat down on my stool before the bathroom counter and wash basin to begin my ablutions. I felt a deep sense of sadness and despair (which has not occurred in a long time).

It has been many years since I have done this: however, speaking to AA Michael, I said, “It has been a long time since I have felt this way, I really need some insight. You know, I really want to stay and complete whatever it is you wish me to do. However, not this way. Not with all of this constant turmoil within my mind and body. I feel like I’m losing control of myself.”

What happened next was really strange. All of a sudden, my spine seemed to stretch upward and my arms automatically lifted straight out at shoulder level (forming a cross). After a brief time, they lifted straight up over my head, symbolic of my Pillar of Light.

I then started to vibrate all over, including my head which moved from side-to-side very rapidly. I don’t know how long it lasted; however, it was really was one of the most violent download episodes I have ever experienced. As in the past, I was told to “relax and stay with it.” After a short time, I felt a bolt of energy shoot down my spine.

It was powerful and awesome but not uncomfortable. It was like AA Michael’s energy feels when it comes in full force before a seminar (only stronger); not uncomfortable, just very strong and forceful. I always feel like I have to stretch to accommodate it.

Lady Faith then came through telepathically; loud and clear, saying to me, “As I have told you many times, I have always been with you, positioned behind your left shoulder. However, you have now fully merged the right and left hemispheres of your brain, so that my beloved counterpart and I may reunite. Therefore, you will no longer see or sense us as separate or apart.

Once more, we have merged into one unified consciousness. It was only you who perceived us as being separate or felt us we were divided. In this lifetime, I had to step back into a “support position,” for I have been with you as your “Primary Guiding Energy Force” for so many lifetimes. An important part of your spiritual mission for this lifetime was that you accept your personal power and the Divine Will of the Father. You have accomplished this admirably so now I may, once again, be your comforter.

Since that time, I feel somewhat different. I feel my balance is somewhat better, even though my head and bodily auric field seem greatly expanded. I don’t know how it’s going to manifest: in what way or how quickly.

For several years now, since I reunited with my Sacred Triad, and I am more fully within AA Michael’s and Lady Faith’s Force-field, it seems they are no longer separate from me. We are united, so it’s very different. It is more of a “Unity consciousness” and our communications are more a telepathic knowingness. I just have to “shift my consciousness to tune in.”

I have been told there are many StarSeed Soul groups now in the process of merging into their new 5th-Dimensional hologram. However, first we must traverse a NULL ZONE of adjustment. We need to understand that we will always have some small issues that need to be harmonized. We are human and we still must interact with others to clear the small distortions and tie-up the loose ends before we can move forward into more refined Frequencies of Light.

Lady Faith tells us that everything is accelerating so fast and the StarSeed Souls are receiving as much of their Aquarian Divine Blue Print as they can manage. It is as if we are in a completely different energetic environment of which our bodily forms are not accustomed. It is going to take time to integrate and assimilate the higher frequency energy so that we may use it efficiently for our maximum benefit and the benefit of ALL humanity.

We are learning how to “step down the energy” into our linear, conscious mind so that we may still manage the little everyday linear, left brain tasks. We have to practice using our lower 4th-dimensional conscious mind again. It is much more difficult to remember a lot of trivial things, and our “short-term memory” is very erratic.

After a AA Michael channeling session at a big seminar, I used to say, “it takes time to get my genie back in the bottle.” These days, shifting back and forth between dimensions is a common occurrence. We truly are walking between the worlds (accessing multiple-dimensional frequency patterns).

For a long time, we have focused on accessing our “Sacred Mind and our Higher Self”, as well as integrating the right and left hemispheres of our brain. Now, we must get used to gradually integrating the “higher frequency 5D energy patterns into our unified conscious mind,” while staying grounded within our 4th-dimensional, material Plane environment.

So how does the above information relate to the uncomfortable feelings we are experiencing?

We are “mutating and evolving” very quickly. Through all of 2022 and the first four months of 2023 it has been building up ─ off and on. However, now it is almost constant. For me personally, it is not that I feel tired or weak; however, I seem to feel off-balance more frequently. It is the brain and bodily disturbances and the complicated transformation process we are now in the midst of that is creating the unusual sensations and discomfort.

To a degree, I believe, we are the forerunners ─ or we are laying the groundwork for those brave Souls of the distant future who will actually ascend in the physical vessel. We certainly are not ready to do that at this time; however, we are opening the way for future humanity.

AA Michael has said to me many times, “In this lifetime, you will be integrating energy that the physical vessel is not prepared to accommodate. Also, the accelerated, transformational process is more difficult for those in an older physical vessel.” So, it is highly probable that we will continue to experience strange symptoms and powerful, intermittent surges of energy.

It is important that we listen to our Body Intelligence and strive to take advantage of any new concepts that we feel are right for us – even those which do not fit modern society’s beliefs and standards.

Memory Seed Activators

My Divine Blueprint as a Sacred Scribe and messenger for Archangel Michael / Lady Faith consists of bringing forth specific portions of the new, higher frequency wisdom teachings to assist humanity to move through the final phases of the ascension process of the 3rd-/4th-dimensional environment. This is a requirement if we are to attain entrance into our new 5th-dimensional world of tomorrow. First, we must move through a “preparatory stage” or a “null zone” ─ which is situated within two separate “Membranes of Light.” it serves as a barrier to the entry level of our 5th-dimensional hologram.

There are a great number of people on Earth who are Memory Seed Activators – at many different levels. this is so that the different Memory Seed Atoms, the different crystalline structures and the different sacred sites or ley lines within the Earth can be activated at the appropriate time.

This process has been designed so that at the appropriate time, the necessary energy can be supplied to activate these sacred energy centers. it is a vitally important part of the Divine Blueprint; a cocreative endeavor designed to occur between humanity and the Earth.

All of the activators, who will initiate the necessary changes for the Earth and humanity, are a part of a cooperative effort amongst GAIA, humanity and the Great Lords of light ─ under the direction of our Mother/Father God — to assist in and facilitate the great “Migration Into The New Age Realms Of Tomorrow.”

SF Source Star Quest Mastery Dec 2023

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