A New Frequency

A New FrequencyLorna Bevan – Rarity value gives weight and significance to astrological events and Pluto moving out of the dense earth energy field of Capricorn into the airy frequency of Aquarius last happened between 1777-1798! Apart from a brief dip back later this year to leave a gift by the door, the Great Eliminator will stay in Aquarius until 2044.

On January 20th the Sun and Pluto enter Aquarius together and what makes this even more significant is that this sensitized 0° Aquarius degree is where the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction of December 21 2020 initiated 200 years of the Great Air Chronocation.

Our entire psychic, psychological, physical, technological, material landscape is going to be transformed over the next 20 years.

The Air element rules ideas, the sharing of information, networks, social connections, communications and technology. The World Wide Web (WWW) began in 1989 during the first Jupiter-Saturn 20-years era in an Air sign. Since then, social media, cell-phones and global connectivity have exploded. Information superhighways have taken over from physical travel.

Real jobs are now taking place on Zoom and other virtual software. Aquarius operates on the 5th Ray of concrete knowledge, science and technology and rules electricity – the energy that powers your devices and your more subtle magnetic field.

Pluto in Aquarius is going to rapidly accelerate a technological revolution. The shadow side is that it’s the insidious start of the Singularity where AI supplants human intelligence.

Aquarius is not at all like the hippy dippy new age version of peace and love but is a Fixed sign ruled by both Saturn and Uranus. This manifests as brave new world ideas (Uranus) imposed and controlled by an iron fist (Saturn) and in Aquarius by global surveillance of its citizens.

This era is going to be defined by an epic struggle by the 99% for basic necessities and personal freedoms against the 1% stockpiling the world’s wealth and power.

It’s time to wake up from the hypnosis of scrolling social media – a deliberate 1% diversionary tool – and take back control and responsibility for your life.

Simplify, streamline, pare back to basics, clean up your environment

Say NO to everything that is not absolutely essential – your psychological survival depends upon it

Make radical permanent changes – no more tinkering at the edges.

For much, much more, get “Pluto in Aquarius Part 1“ and “Pluto in Aquarius Part 2: Coaching Tools for Personal Reinvention” as digital downloads

Chandra Symbol Pluto AQUARIUS 1: A two-headed calf.

“Taking a good look at things brings you right into the middle of the dilemma of polarities. As you stand there faced with the different sides, you are impartial; neither side pulls you more sharply than the other.

Immense opportunity. Huge challenge.

You have vital potential for brilliant synthesis, but a subtle temptation to think too long. A schooling in alchemy in every moment–do you find what is ready to emerge or do you think about it?

Progressive evolution draws you through all your mistakes into all that can be.” Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Weekly forecast – Individual signs


SF Source Hare In The Moon Jan 2024

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