Cosmic Humanity?

cosmic humanityJoseph P Farrell – This very thought-provoking article was spotted by K.M., and I had to pass it along because it’s not only a very stimulating idea, but that it reminds me of two very odd and seemingly very unrelated “mentions” in previous literature. The idea is that humans, or at least, humanoids, and perhaps one might say, the genus homo might be spread all over the universe:

“Humans” May Be All Over the Universe, Scientists Say

Here’s the gist:

The BBC’s Science Focus magazine recently published an interview with Simon Conway Morris, an evolutionary palaeobiologist at the university’s Department of Earth Sciences, in which he stated that researchers can “say with reasonable confidence” that human-like evolution has occurred in other parts of the universe.

The idea of convergent evolution, which, according to Science Focus, asserts that “random effects gradually average out such that evolution converges, tending to generate similar creatures in any given environment,” lies at the heart of Morris’ thinking. Flying, for instance, was used by the magazine as an illustration of how flying “had evolved independently on Earth at least four times — in birds, bats, insects, and pterosaurs.”

In summary, convergent evolution theory asserts that evolution is a natural law that operates similarly on all planets. In other words, the blue and green alien humanoids from “Star Trek” may be real.

It’s not only Morris who thinks extraterrestrial life evolved “human-like.” In fact, a biologist named Arik Kershenbaum at the prestigious British school published a whole book on it.

“Because evolution is the explanatory mechanism for life everywhere,” Kershenbaum told Quanta magazine this year, “then the principles that we uncover on Earth should be applicable in the rest of the universe.”

In other words, and if I may put it in terms a patristics scholar or for that matter a Stoic might recognize, there are seminal reasons, laws, rational principles, logoi spermatikoi and rationes seminales planted – sewn – in the universe that give in an inherent inner guidance in a certain direction and toward certain goals. Try as one might, in other words, there is an inherent teleology implied in the statement that “evolution is a natural law that operates similarly on all planets.”

If so, the the humanoid form is a natural form for the development of intelligent life, and here’s were it gets interesting, because one reads similar thoughts in the early church fathers, such as an Irenaeus of Lyon or a Justin Martyr, for whom the “image of God” in man was not simply something “incorporeal”; it also extended to humanity’s very physical form.

(And here’s a question: why might they have said that? Hint: the answer is related to a few other ancient ideas, like microcosms, and macanthropoi, and so on…) And therewith we have yet another example of how modern science, in its hubris of trying to advance away from such ancient notions, ends up coming full circle and buttressing them.

But in addition to the Stoic and patristic parallels, there’s yet another odd one, and it’s so odd I mentioned it in my books Reich of the Black Sun and SS Brotherhood of the Bell and later in Roswell and the Reich.

The connection occurs in an odd statement attributed to biologist Dr. Detlev Bronk in one of the Cooper-Cantwheel sets of Majic-12, or Majestic-12, UFO documents. There Dr. Bronk is alleged to have said, after having allegedly examined a body from a crashed and dead extra-terrestrial being, that one implication of it that scientists would have to contend with was the distinct possibility – suggested by the ET corpse – that there was a “higher order” both to physics and biology.

What Dr. Bronk was saying, in other words, was that the humanoid shape to intelligent corporeal life was a kind of physical law; and again, he was implying – and knowing him, probably very reluctantly – a cosmological teleology; he had, in fact, enunciated the first example (in a UFO document!) of the Strong Anthropic Principle of cosmological physics. And in saying that, he was reviving another ancient idea, namely, that the physical universe and all in it was the evident product of something called Logos, a supreme rational principle, behind galaxies, your pet dog… you… everything…

It’s nice when science catches up with philosophy…

See you on the flip side…

SF Source Giza Death Star Apr 2022

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