Measure Success By How Far You Have Come And What You Have Accomplished

Inspire Me Today June 11 2013

If there is a light at the end of the tunnel, do you see it as a train getting ready to hit you, or do you see it as your ticket to a better life? If I were you, I would hop on that train. In almost every instance, it will take you to a better, happier place.

If the road you are traveling is paved with a) detours, b) brick walls, c) closed doors, d) distractions, and e) personal issues, don’t give up! Think of these things as speed bumps — glitches or annoyances. Things happen for reasons you may not understand and often force you to slow down and get in touch with your thoughts and feelings. This helps you reassess your personal, career, and life goals.

What is important is that you decide to forge ahead and stay focused, rather than give up. Here are some thoughts to help you whenever you become stuck:

a) Detours. Take them; they might lead you to something better and the experience is often worth it. The new direction may present some challenges and frustrations, but in the long run, this detour may actually put you on the right road.

b) Brick walls. Walk around them; climb them; or better yet, look for a detour.

c) Closed doors. Bang on them, knock them down, or find another door. Of course, you can always look for an open window. Closed doors will give you time to re-think what you want. Perhaps you may discover that you are using the wrong approach.

d) Distractions. Decide if you want distractions. If you do, you need to figure out how to work with them and still stay on track. If not, say, “No thank you.” Unfortunately, sometimes you might create distractions so you can avoid following through.

Ask yourself if you really want to accomplish your goal and reach your destination. If you do, be the little train that could. Instead of saying, “I think I can, I think I can,” just tell yourself, “Yes I can, Yes I can and I’m staying on track.”

e) Personal issues. Most of the time, you can distill your personal issues down to their core essence — fear and guilt, which in many cases can be triggered by your baggage, family, and a wide assortment of things. In many instances, not knowing what’s going to happen next can trigger fear and anxiety. There is no “one size fits all solution” to these obstacles.

The best advice I can give you is 1) face your fear, 2) stop feeling guilty and beating yourself up, 3) figure out how to motivate yourself, and 4) know that if you stop yourself before you give it your all, you may never know if you would have achieved your dreams and goals.

Go for it! And if you get stuck along the way, a positive attitude, words of encouragement, and counting your blessings can help get you back on track.

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