Tips on setting SMART business goals

set achievable goalsThe start of a new year typically sends business people into the frenzy of setting goals.  Unfortunately, while many are excited to succeed they  often also are too lazy to set attainable goals.

If you want next year to be impactful set achievable goals that help you strategize, manage your time, and lead towards desired end results. Of course, you can also get professional help if you’re still in college by buying term papers online with deadlines set that allow you to meet your assignment goals.

What is SMART Goal

A SMART goal is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-based. Continue reading

Measure Success By How Far You Have Come And What You Have Accomplished

Inspire Me Today June 11 2013

If there is a light at the end of the tunnel, do you see it as a train getting ready to hit you, or do you see it as your ticket to a better life? If I were you, I would hop on that train. In almost every instance, it will take you to a better, happier place.

If the road you are traveling is paved with a) detours, b) brick walls, c) closed doors, d) distractions, and e) personal issues, don’t give up! Think of these things as speed bumps — glitches or annoyances. Things happen for reasons you may not understand and often force you to slow down and get in touch with your thoughts and feelings. This helps you reassess your personal, career, and life goals.

What is important is that you decide to forge ahead and stay focused, rather than give up. Here are some thoughts to help you whenever you become stuck:

a) Detours. Take them; they might lead you to something better and the experience is often worth it. The new direction may present some challenges and frustrations, but in the long run, this detour may actually put you on the right road.

b) Brick walls. Walk around them; climb them; or better yet, look for a detour.

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