Laugh Your Way To Abundance And Freedom

HealthJafree Ozwald – When was the last time you experienced a deep belly laugh? Laughter not only feels good, it also produces a powerful manifesting energy that will literally shift your ability to attract what you desire.

When you laugh, your aura literally expands, and the entire energetic field connected to this bio-magnetic field opens up to greater abundance, love, health, and infinite possibilities that exist in the world around you. The light carefree energy of laughter is like a “happy magnet” which will only attract more joyful experiences to you. You tend to attract whatever it is you need in a natural and effortless way.

“At the height of laughter, the Universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.” – Jean Houston

If seriousness is a disease to the soul, then genuine laughter is the cure. If someone is facing a serious life situation, perhaps even a life threatening disease, the energy of laughter is what creates a healing response. There are documented scientific cases about people who have laughed their cancers away, and returned their bodies to perfect health.

Laughing causes the body to produce the antibodies which boost the immune system and fight off all diseases. So even though a serious life situation may seem like you should become even more serious, just the opposite is true. Serious attitudes create serious problems, and a serious mind only creates more feelings of limitation and fear in ones consciousness, which dramatically lowers your ability to manifest what you want.

“Laugh and your life will be lengthened for this is the great secret of long life.” – Og Mandino

You might be saying to yourself, “I have nothing to laugh about because I have major problems on my mind.” Humor is all a matter of perspective. The contracted ego-mind takes everything seriously. Take one baby step back from your mind right now.

Sit in the back seat of your brain for a moment, and open up to a broader experience of who you are. What do you notice? If we watched a movie of your entire life from beginning until now, and compared it to what’s happening for the other 7 billion people on the planet, you might have a little bit more gentleness and compassion for yourself.

The mind creates all sort of stories about yourself that you believe to be true, and yet are absolutely false. The biggest lie of course is that you are a limited being with limited resources who needs to take life’s tribulations very seriously.

“Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand.” – Mark Twain

Whenever you are serious about something, your mind gets tense, the body gets rigid, and it becomes very difficult to receive what you want. The biggest problem that serious people have is that they can only receive the solution to their problem when they relax and get out of the way. It’s like a closed fist cannot receive any goodies until it relaxes and opens.

Laughter is how you instantly open your internal fist and free your mind to receive the answers to your life’s most challenging questions. All the judgments, fears and worries that you would usually carry around with you suddenly melt away and are nowhere to be found after just ONE good long deep belly laugh.

Yes, laughter creates instant healing and a succulent freedom in your life. You have to let go and trust life when you’re laughing. You are truly defenseless when you are chuckling madly away at something hilarious. Best of all, you get to drop all those ideas about who you think you are and experience the bliss within your being.

With laughter comes this spontaneous automatic release from the experience of superiority or inferiority. We all merge together and feel a deep bond when we laugh together. When you can laugh at yourself, the ego comes to a complete halt and you can experience the free-flowing abundant manifesting being within!

“Time spent laughing is time spent with the Gods.” – Japanese Proverb

I’d like to give you a little taste of the instant freedom I have to offer you. Try out this laughing exercise today! Just for 10 minutes just let your body laugh. Fake it until you make it. Act as if you just heard the most hilarious joke of your life. Your belly is moving in and out rapidly with the breath, and you are cracking up!

Let this fake laughter go on continuously for at least 10 minutes and don’t stop because it will trigger real laughter. When you fake it long enough, you will start laughing at the silliness of what you are doing. This short experience will get your laughter engines rolling and make your day much lighter and brighter! Try it out, you have nothing to lose but your ego…right?

SF Source Jafree Ozwald  August 29 2012

3 thoughts on “Laugh Your Way To Abundance And Freedom

  1. HEE-HEE, Haw-Haw!!!!!!!!!

    There I feel better already!!!!!

    JOyfully and with a giggle,
    East Man

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