You Are Powerful, Beautiful And Extraordinary

You Are Powerful, Beautiful And ExtraordinaryJafree Ozwald – No matter what happens to you in life, remember this one sweet understanding. You are powerful beyond measure, beautiful beyond words and truly an extraordinary being who has access to unlimited love, creativity and pleasure!

All this is available inside you now. To access it, sit with the investigation of this understanding for a few minutes and see what happens! You might discover some resistance, denial or perhaps the realization that this amazing fact is already true within you all the time.

“Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius.” – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Know that each block you encounter in life is your greatest catalyst to diving into a deeper experience of your most enlightened self. Every experience we have as human beings contains a doorway to this divine state. All that’s needed is to look for the door, reach out for the golden handle and walk on through.

There is nothing as easy and fulfilling as entering the sweet paradise that is within your very being. It’s easiest to discover this warm fuzzy feeling inside when you are alone, in nature, quiet and looking within yourself for many hours. To arrive at this place means letting go of the busy productive hectic to-do list, and spend some quality time with you!

Whatever is stopping you from making time for yourself is blocking you from experiencing a tremendous joy.

“Let them throw their curses. If inside, I am connected to what’s true, my soul stays quiet and clear. Do you think God worries what people say? If a few ashes fall on a mirror, use them to polish it.” – Lalla 14th Century North Indian mystic

My invitation for you is that you emotionally dive into yourself and find this natural high vibrational state of being. Do this for at least 1 hour everyday. You are worth it! And you’ll look back at your day with a huge smile on your face. Start with letting go of any limiting beliefs about yourself.

If you think you’re too nice, too old, too fat, too ugly, too poor…these are old boring stories and excuses. In truth they are just electrons passing through the brain that make you think you’re living in some prison. Break free from these beliefs and surrender to loving you! Trust in the feeling of love. It is gentle, kind and works in healing you every time! There is nothing more powerful and transformational than love sweet love.

“There is no beginning or ending in the journeyless journey to nowhere. You do not start from somewhere and you do not end at anywhere. You are where you are and you continue from there.” – Bodhiharma

We are all on this sacred spiritual journey called life together. It is for our enjoyment, transformation and enlightenment. We are here to enlighten the load from our past, let go of the heaviness that is slowing us down and dive into what is not real. When we can clearly see what is real, then everything changes. There is a sense of great relief inside as we no longer have to fight or resist any part inside. When we acknowledge and accept that which we deem as unacceptable about ourselves, the lightness begins to settle in.

There is nothing you can do to make a wrong turn in life. On an infinite highway where everything is connected, all lanes lead to the same destination. On those days when you feel that you made a wrong turn, ran a red light, or even trashed your vehicle, it may feel like you had one foot on the brake, the other foot on the gas, and you were mainly looking in the rear view mirror.

Whatever mistakes you’ve made in life, just observe the judgment of them without participating in that judgment. Just welcome the experience of whatever the “error” was, and accept it as a lesson or deeper teaching from Life.

By welcoming whatever experience is showing up for you, clarity naturally occurs. You can simply decide to see things more clearly when you welcome each experience fully without any story or judgment about it. When you do this, the Universe has to instantly present itself to you with full clarity.

Don’t resist any experience that life gives you. Resistance is futile and just makes you contract from life and get all knotted up inside. If you feel you must resist an experience, be conscious about it, and know there is always a relaxing freeing feeling awaiting you when you let go and surrender to what is deeper and already at peace on the inside.

“When you come to the edge of all the light you know, and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen: there will be something solid to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly.” – Unknown poet

SF Source Jafree Ozwald September 14 2012

5 thoughts on “You Are Powerful, Beautiful And Extraordinary

  1. Have you ever seen the movie, Twister? I’ve lost count. Can you imagine the audacity of a couple of people who intend to get up and into the face of a tornado? What kind of people ignore every ounce of programming into their brains? This should be on the minds of everyone. They’re going against the grain. Are they deplorable? What mechanisms are driving them?
    They can’t be doing what’s right because the brain believes it’s always right. It’s the nature of the beast.
    Is it possible both people are highly influenced by intuitive intentions? While it is popularly believed these are only maternal energies in the mammalian minds of mothers, the heart mind of humanity is not exclusive to gender. The heart mind and the influence of your inner being is very real and lives outside the thought mind. We all experience it at intervals of our life but few notice it and begin driving toward its intentions.
    What the tornado chasers ultimately found is shocking and revolting. As they hung helplessly strapped to grounding rods into the earth, the tornado vortex passed over them. Flailing wildly about the spinning winds they peered into the center of the funnel only to find there was nobody home but the sky above. What???? All of this malevolent energy amassed and destroying everything and there’s nobody home???
    And so it goes in the evolution of a planet who can be coerced by an emperor with no clothes….

    1. Humanity now peers into the vortex of malevolence. It’s time is up. This is my intention. Humanity chooses a benevolence return to creational light.

      1. To be sure, is it possible for a malevolent maelstrom to swallow free will light beings? Not without their consent. Yet each path is personal between cognizance and inner light.

      2. I am encouraging my brothers and sisters to come out of the programmed closet, announce your intentions to your inner being aloud. “I now set intention with spirit and inner light to shift all thought energy from my head into my heart center.” “I now set intention with spirit and the light of my being to chart a course to return to the organic light and heart mind of consciousness”. Count down 5-1 and snap your fingers.
        Spirt and light hear no words, but the intentions are loud and clear like a cowbell calling the herd home!
        There’s no guessing now. You’re no longer wallowing in the uncertainties of a maelstrom. Even if you’re not cognizant of it yet. For your transitional sanity, spirit will nudge you a little with each intention. You can intention for more and faster, I prefer slow and steady.

  2. Very nice and encouraging writing. I am very uplifted by it and will apply it to my existence. Fighting against the tide of living may certainly be more taxing than simply going with the flow. Your article brings that to mind and I relish that. Thank you.

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