How Can You Know Truth?

How Can You Know TruthsOwen K Waters – People often resonate with the metaphysical truths that I write about and have an inner sense that these concepts are accurate and valid. Then, as we are all imbued with the divine quality of curiosity, they ask HOW I could know about these things.

My lifelong primary interest has been to pursue metaphysical truths and that has led me to sift through endless reams of material, distilling it down with the help of my daily meditations into its underlying, simple truths.

At the end of each search, I am often surprised at how the deepest metaphysical truths turn out to be simple ones, as if to display the Creator’s elegance in the design of the universe.

What I have learned when pursuing insights is that curiosity opens the door, but you have to wait for the answer to arrive unbidden. What this means is that, when you want an answer, your conscious mind will leap into the vacuum and provide one, but it just won’t be the right one! Wisdom comes from the all-knowing higher consciousness within, not from an obliging and creative physical brain. So, I learned to ask for an answer, then wait by switching to other thoughts or other work, knowing that the answer will, sooner or later, pop up into my awareness by surprise.

For example, in last week’s article I wrote that, after ascension into 4D, 25% of our body cells will be formed by etheric (not physical electric) energy. Later, thinking about it, I was unsettled, as if something wasn’t quite right, so I asked for clarification. After a time, I received a mental picture of atoms moving apart instead of clustering together. This reminded me of the ORMES discoveries reported by David Hudson in the 1990s.

In his efforts to identify unknown elements that he found in Arizona soil, Hudson observed that the mystery powder would sometimes go both weightless and invisible! What he had isolated were monatomic (or mono-atomic) elements with their energy levels boosted into a state higher than normal physical elements. In other words, they were physical atoms charged with etheric energy.

The elements were being boosted up into an etheric (and therefore invisible) state, then falling back closer to regular physicality, once again becoming visible and regaining physical weight.

As the etheric energy content of a collection of molecules increases, the atoms tend to separate away from each other, becoming single atoms rather than clumps of atoms gathered as molecules. In their higher energy state, they became monatomic.

The mental picture I received had reminded me of that principle. What it meant was that my original statement was not accurate. We won’t have, as I originally stated, 25% etheric body cells and 75% electric ones. What we will have will be 100% high-energy cells – electric-based physical cells in a higher state thanks to a healthy infusion of etheric life energy.

Sure, it’s a minor difference to what I originally wrote, but finding the most accurate principle is what I do for fun!

Sometimes, in my search for metaphysical insights, I get a free ride. Insights that quietly drift into my mind that seem like my own thoughts, but something feels different and I can sense that a higher being, such as an ascended master, is the helpful source. Perhaps they know that I’ll pass new ideas along to other seekers, so they keep feeding me hints as soon as I’m ready to grasp the next concept.

On one occasion the information was delivered in a very direct way. At the time, I was pondering the biggest mystery of metaphysical philosophy of all time. It goes like this: If God is perfect in all ways, why did It create a universe in which to involve Itself into infinite forms of imperfection in order to then evolve Itself back to that which It already had… a state of perfection?

In other words, WHY was the universe created?

That question has been a brain teaser for thousands of years and, that day in 2007, I received the answer directly from the visiting spirit of a yoga master. He had passed on from this world some years before and doggedly pursued that very question into ever-higher realms until he found the answer.

4 thoughts on “How Can You Know Truth?

  1. To
    Mr. Andrew,
    As I understand this is one version of making things easier for the mind. With the happening of senses and consciousness, life is heralded in the universe. Both are inseparable. As intelligent is the consciousness so intelligent is the senses. Now Atman is a divine quantum of the Ideating God called Eck Om. Atman ideates Soul. Soul ideates senses-cum-consciousness (SCS). SCS ideates mind. Finally mind creates a form called body. From Atman to mind all play their music in the body as their piano. This module becomes an organized bio-organism of all kinds and levels. Our 5 senses give us not only the complete information of all the stimuli present in the world but also very useful information to survive, experience and learn in order to abandon the very idea of “self” in the mind, and the attachment to the physical body created by it. Both mind and body are to be mentally renounced together. This is the whole idea of birth. Unless one renounces “self” and the body one is always stuck in the cycle of life and death. Such is the story of all living things. Just think all that did not evolve much to become life or organism became matter and energy called the universe. Both Matter and energy are passing through myriads of states and dying to become life so they are wound up intrinsically to do so. As human you are in the best possible scenario. The line to God is very long. Find your place and be contend.

  2. Great phrasing from Admin! Can the answer to Andrew’s question be simple? From quantum consciousness, my understanding is that the light (who knows all) can only expand it’s understanding by experiencing separation from the light and then finding our way back home again. Each time we do this, we create a new fundamental lighted experience of consciousness. There are many, many of these. We just keep doing it. Yet if you separate too far from light, you may lose your memory and understanding of the light to experience doubt, uncertainty, and fear. You may arm yourself with an artificial intelligence founded on this fear. It may evolve to the control and conquest of the light. You may ramp your operations up to the force of an F5 tornado globally.
    In this scenario we choose to vibrate our way back home or vibrate our way out into the dark corridors of a dark imagination.
    To get on the pathway back home, introduce yourself to the spirit of your heart and personally communicate with your spirit setting your personal intentions on how to move forward. “I now set intention with the light of my spirit shifting all head thoughts to my heart center”. (Note: Be sure to set intention only from your heart energy. Always precede other commands with this or similar) Other examples: “I am a being dominated by the light of my heart center”. “An energetic peace overwhelms the conflict within my being and experience.” I am a being seeking the combinatorial explosion of lighted possibilities. What are your intentions?
    Be gentle with yourself. Your light co-creator desires to work with you. Shifting into this consciousness takes patience and persistence.
    You are the persona of the light within you.

    1. Andrew asks “Why was the universe created and why do I keep coming to these sites.” This is an excellent question, Andrew. Perhaps you are, like the rest of us who read sites like this, a seeker of truth, knowledge and understanding of the meaning of Life, and you wish to know the reason Earth experience is as it is. -g

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