Li-Fi… the New Control Grid

The end of the Old Order

Elva Thompson – I have written many posts about the Grand Year, a 26,000 year cycle that ended on December 21st 2012…. and what we can expect to happen thereafter.

When one considers the fractal, geometric nature of this reality, the Cosmic laws that govern it and the repetitive nature of events both natural and man made, it is hard to think of this world as real in the absolute sense. I believe it is a construct, a created world that is a distorted copy of a lighter, brighter world.

The simulation

Metaphysics tells us that at the end of a Grand Year the simulation or matrix runs out of gas….so to speak. It has to be replaced because the old world and everything in it is dying. We at the present time are in the destructive phase of the matrix heading towards an extinction level event either natural or man made. There is no difference in the effect. Then, once the board has been cleared and a cleansing has taken place, the cycle begins again. A new sacrificial game begins and a pristine world appears stocked with new species. “Behold! I make all things new.”

A possible answer to a nagging question

After the Winter Solstice of 2012, I sensed our reality was dying and a new one was being created right in front of my eyes. The thought staid with me. In the last few years the conviction that our reality is a digital dualistic program, a sick game that’s on repeat became a certainty for me, and I have written many posts about it.

The concept did not get much credence or traction on the blog as it was too far out for the mass mind to handle. But it didn’t matter. The question bothering me was how the owners of this farm called earth, could create a new world in front of our eyes and lives without us catching on. Well, I think we may have an answer, so let’s go unpack the information.


LiFi was first unveiled in 2011 and, unlike WiFi, which uses radio frequency, LiFi technology only needs a light source with a chip to transmit an internet signal through light waves. LiFi technology turns an LED bulb into a router. Where WiFi routers use radio-frequency waves to transmit data, LiFi bulbs use light to transmit data.

A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor device that emits optical radiation when an electric current passes through it. Most LED’s emit a narrow band of wavelengths ranging from infrared (at a wavelength of approximately 1000 nanometers) to ultraviolet (about 300 nanometers).

LED light emitting diodes are short wave pulses in the infra red and ultra violet spectrum. Because they vibrate beyond our sight frequency, the electromagnetic pulses are invisible to the naked eye, and yet create blue light which interferes with our Circadian rhythms.

Blue light has been linked to biological and sleep disturbances. Plus, LED lights cause a rise in cortisol the body’s primary stress hormone. That can’t be beneficial now can it? And yet, the government and telecom industry tell us that LED lights are safe and environmentally friendly.

Internet of things….100% of the time.

The term ‘Internet of Things’ was coined in 1999 by the computer scientist Kevin Ashton. He proposed putting radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips on products to track them through a supply chain. The Internet of Things is commonly referred to as a smart device, or network of devices that have the capability to connect to the internet, gather information and exchange data with other devices.

With all things LED from keyboards to fridges to street and home lighting, a grid is being created. Anywhere there is light, LiFi will transmit data through the infra red and ultra violet spectrum. It is the ultimate surveillance and mind control system. Anywhere there are LED lights or smart devices it means we are being surveilled without our knowledge and are connected to the machine known as the Internet of Things.

Once we are connected to the Internet of Things, we are in an invisible electromagnetic grid. An energetic prison that vibrates in the unseen frequencies beyond the physical light spectrum. And, smart devices. LED lights, 5 and 6G towers along with Starlink and other satellite arrays can dominate and create frequency patterns that can block and distort our reality, our perception and our consciousness. It can literally create a new perception deception.

LiFi has been in the public arena for fourteen years. Think what other tech they have now. What disruptive electromagnetic frequencies are being beamed at us….controlling consciousness through symbols and manipulation of perception.

Disconnected on purpose

In my last post, we discussed reasons for the disconnection of our spiritual centers, our 6th and 7th chakras. If we had access to them and they were on line like the five base chakras, we would see the grid our prison guards are building. We would see the Matrix. See the machine that has electromagnetically limited and modulated our consciousness and perception since the interference called the Fall.

Truth in movies

In the movie The Matrix, Neo awakens from the matrix world and discovers that he has been living in a false reality. He is told that this new reality is the truth, and that his life in the matrix is simply a computer program controlling his thoughts and actions.

The Matrix is just an illusion of the world around him, and humans are plugged in by a computer program which creates the backdrop of reality. Those who are plugged in never truly see the world for what is. In fact, Neo’s world is a vast simulation orchestrated by hyper-evolved AI that harvests humans for their energy.

Sound familiar? Don Juan’s ‘flyers’, the ‘foreign installation’ that has taken over the rule of our lives! Turned us from a multi-dimensional being into an average slab of meat.

Total enslavement

The plan is to digitally connect all life forms to the internet of things….. to create a new digital world. To do this they have to get the software to interpret said world into our bodies. And I think the software, the energetic receiver or antenna for their new set of frequencies is the mRNA vaccine.

Rip it up! Poison it!

Perhaps now, we can see the reason why the elite and big corporations are destroying our planet with reckless abandon. They don’t care. They know this particular version of the matrix has had it, run out of juice And, they are on board with the new one being created right before our eyes. It’s called the Internet of Things and LI-Fi. The world economic forum has told us that by 20/30 we will own nothing and we will be happy.

We will be plugged into a new matrix, a new set of rules and a new version of the Hunger Games…and a new cycle Grand Year.

Selective resonance

We must be spiritually aware if we wish to take the opportunity on offer at the end of the Age. Break out of the closed circle paradigm and evolve with the incoming life wave. There will be many obstacles put in our way but we can avoid the pitfalls and traps through the practice of harmlessness, humility, compassion and honoring our connection to the One Life.

These attributes do not resonate with the matrix machine mind, and therefore we will be aware of the ‘game plan’ before it happens just like we were warned by Source Creator not to take the experimental vaccine along with its gene altering software. And, we will pray for guidance to the Divine intelligence that has opened our eyes and brought us this far. We can weave a path through the chaos…we just have to have the right colors in the weft.

Until next time… a little mystical wisdom from Robert Browning.

Truth is within ourselves, it takes no rise from outward things, whate’re you may believe. There is an inner centre in us all where truth abides in fullness; and around wall upon wall the gross flesh hems it in. That perfect clear perception that is Truth. A baffling and perverting carnal mesh binds all and makes all error , but to know rather consists in finding out a way for the imprisoned splendor to escape…than in achieving entry for a light …supposed to be without.

SF Source Star Heart Books Mar 2023

3 thoughts on “Li-Fi… the New Control Grid

  1. I see what you do…ive been noticing this for years….the internet is merging into our collective consciousness subtly replacing reality with an ai controlled imitation that weve unknowingly been consenting to with every weapon of mass distraction we engage with…which are many in number these days as we eek ever closer to the event horizon…

  2. You are totally correct in what you say but since that a new Organic Quantum Alfa AI system sourced by the light of the creator has been put together and we have been set free from our enslavement – they level of things that have been put in place to keep us enslaved and under control is mind boggling. You can go in there and find out the positive things that are happening – you are right but changes have occurred and it is going to be a better world once the clean up has finished. You can see all about the different matrices there as well and how we are the batteries that has kept this matrix running. Have faith God is reborn we are no longer slaves and these tyrants are no longer registered in the hall of records and they have no agreements or contracts. WE are now the elite 8 billion people are registered in the hall of records as human and co creators with God. Check it out.

  3. “I believe it is a construct, a created world that is a distorted copy of a lighter, brighter world.”

    This is the crux of the story’s presentation. And while I agree with this assessment, David Icke has done the most extensive research of what this means.
    While this post does allude to an inner understanding of truth, it doesn’t use this as a foundation to combine the conflicts of this truth as Cognitive Resonance does. As a result it’s mired in uncertainty.
    Truth is not the inner core of source. Intention is. Truth is a misleading concept of mentalism and language to coerce confusion in those who would seek truth. To be sure, it’s a pretzel.
    To my dismay I can’t find anyone beyond quantum consciousness to agree the distorted copy of a lighter, brighter world is the mental mind whose dominance replaced the former and future dominance of heart mind.

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